My Betta Fish....


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
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Its a picture of my fish.. I just wanted to show all of you my fish :D

State your opinion if you like or maybe for me to make some adjustments to the tank to make it look more pretty....

I wonder if a tank like that is too small for my Betta?.. :D
Hey, I've got 2 of those same tanks, hehe. Mine are 2.25 gallons, not sure if yours is the smaller version or not. Cute fish :)

The one problem I've found with those tanks is when you lift the lid to feed or clean, the condensation that forms on the lid, drips off onto the table, kind of a pain.

That seems big enough for your Betta, just be sure to give him regular water changes and cleanings.

My tank is only 1/2 Gallon U.S. and I only do Water changes once every week unless its needed more for a Betta Fish.. Well I'm not certain but I hope its enough.
maybe a nice little silk plant or two, add some color and foliage.............. otherwise, nice little set up and nice little betta :D
i would take the ornament out and maybe add a plant. but then again, all of my tanks are bare...
haha... my tanks are bare too, but im always ready to tell other ppl what to do theirs lol..

that little ornament is kinda big and akward looking in such a small tank..

the tank is big enough, id jus take out the ornament and add a plant or some moss maybe ?
MAM said:
maybe a nice little silk plant or two, add some color and foliage.............. otherwise, nice little set up and nice little betta :D
How much does it cost to get a Silk Plant and where do I get them?.. :D
Your fish is really dull.... it makes me laugh..... :rofl:

lol just joking.. its a really nice fish and plus the picture isn't that good so its hard for me to see it... I'll just say nice fish :kewlpics:
As to only changing the water once a week, if the tank is only 1/2 gallon then you really need to change the water at least twice a week if not more often. You will eventually run into health problems if you only do it once a week. I have several 3/4 gallon tanks for some of my breeders and they get water changes AT LEAST every other day, if not every day (probably 5 times a week). More frequent smaller water changes are better than 1 big water change. So if you can, try to fit in more frequent water changes, it really doesn't take that long for 1 tank :)

I second shrks1fan, with only half a gallon tank you really should be doing at least two water changes per week, remember the smaller the tank the higher the maintenance (more water changes) thats a really sweet tank i have a 4.5 coldwater setup like that.... I suggest because there is not that much room for your betta to swim in to take out the large ornament and put in some REAL plants, I think your betta would appreciate it more....I ask myself why have silk ones if you can have real ones... You can get low lighting plants that require no maintenance apart from a clip when they get to loong or thinning out when they get to thick... Bettas luuuuv floating plants like Java Fern, Java Moss or Riccia, they like to hide or chill out in it as well as sleep in it at night....
Just adding my two pence worth here :)

I have 2 of the exact same tanks the green and the purple one and they are half gallons.

I took out the plastic plant that comes with it though cause they are really rough and tore my bettas tail. Just a suggestion for you.

Plastic plants can run from like 2.50 at walmart to more. I bough a larg set for $10 and cut them to size to fit the tank. One beta likes lots of plants to hid in and and the other likes to swim around.

I change my water every 2 days with 100% water change and Im very diligent with it so i would suggest at least 2 100% water changes a week.

I love these little betta "houses" in this kit cause out here in the desert it gets very dusty and dirty quick and the vented lid help keep the water surface clean.

I think its a lovely set up, I would suggest the silk plants if you can find some check craft stores if there isnt a local fish store, but i think the ornament is a little big, but for now its good as your little guy is still little.

Good job and cute fish!!!!!!!!! :cool:
Thank you for all of your opinions.. so I guess I need to change my routine a little and clean the tank twice a week. I didn't know you needed to clean it that much lol.. back in the day after 2 weeks my betta tank still looked clean.. but I guess the quality of the water was bad. Thanks to all who commented.. I'm still new to this board and everyone sure is real nice lol :D

I'll probably get real plants or silk Plants.. and your all right, the No Fishing Statue is pretty big. But there's still a good amount of space for my Betta seeing as though her old tank was those tiny Betta Hexagons. :rofl:
i have that tank too, mine is green, only bad thing is the rocks are hard to make stuff stay down (plants or whatnot)

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