My Betta Fish


New Member
Nov 1, 2005
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so apparently because i'm a "newbie", im not allowed to post in the betta fish forum. pff. well, here's the deal, i've had my betta fish for about two weeks now. i've had other fish before but never a tropical fish. well, lately my fish has been leaning on the walls of his tank and on the castle that decorates his tank. there's no weirdness growing on his body, there's no bleeding of any kind, and there's no swelling either. and he has been eating fine. i thought he might be dying but he's eating fine and he swims well too. does anyone know whats wrong with him? if so, how can i help him?
This was in the FAQ TFE section. Moved.

To OP:

You can post in the Bettas section, whoever told you otherwise is mistaken.
how do you mean "leaning"?
do you mean he's resting his fins on places? in which case that's completely normal, them fins are heavy!
Doesn't sound like anything to worry about to me. Unless he looses his apetite or you see any physical symptoms he should be fine
You can hold a mirror next to his tank for a few minutes to liven him up. What size tank is he in?
My betta is in a tank thats at the least 2 liters big. I'm not really sure. But the mirror thing doesn't work. I've tried it before. Also, is it recommend to have the tank with a heating pump of some kind? I want to know since winter is on its way and it gets really cold in my room. Thanks ahead of time!
I don't believe there is such a thing as a heating pump but there is a thing called a heater. How many gallons is the tank?
Ok so 1 gallon eh. I think a 7.5 watt heater with thermostat would work in a 1g.

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