My Betta doesn't look normal this morning :S


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
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Hey, for the past few weeks my betta hasn't been making any bubblenests and I couldn't figure out why for the life of me. His water temperature was fine at about 73, his got plenty to eat each day, hes got plantlife to sleep on. Well this morning I woke up and he has black dots on his head and a few on his body and little white circles around his eyes, just like on my girlfriend's betta (cutecotton). Anyone know why this would be ? I took a few pics and I just noticed his eyes look a little red too.


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betta water temp is generally suggested to be at about 75+ but i dont htink 73 is hurting him..

can you show us the pics? im not really sure what you are talking about.
:-( :-( oh no fishy is sick!!! :crazy:

jacs: yes one fmy bettas contracted popeye (curretnly tryign to fix him up) and it seems like there are some abnormal behaviros wtih my fish lately.

But i gave that fish to scott (my bf) almost a month ago, so i'm not really sure what teh problem could be :/

73 should be alright, i dotn't hink it's the tempreature...could this be an early sign of HITH? that's what i was most worried about -_-
i dont htink that i have ever heard of a betta getting hith...
scott-are his eyes protruding? are both of them red?
This is what I got on my disease pages.There was no cure listed, but it says it can be cured easily. Reasearch black spot.
Black Spot
Symptoms: Small black specks on the body.

Treatment: Black spot is generally easy to cure. There are a number of commercially available treatments and preventatives.

Information: Black Spot, or diplopstomiasis, often follows the addition of new aquarium fish. All fish are susceptible, especially the Silver Dollar and Piranha. It is fairly easy to diagnose and treat.
As well, my fish seems to be developing a white streak around the edges of his gills/fin. It's fairly small and may be nothing at all but I figure you guys would know.

On another subject, my fish has become really aggressive almost overnight! He has built himself a bubblenest for the first time in nearly a month, and this morning when i hovered my finger over his water (away from the nest) he literally jumped right out of the water and bit my finger! He did it twice, and then I stopped. What a strange fish.......he's just got this weird look in his eyes like hes pissed off or something :grr:

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