My betta breeding tank

hey bettaman whats your name. i know its a weird question but i think i know you
I tried to breed my betta in that size tank once, only have 2 fry survivors after 12 hours they started to swim. When the rest died, the floor was littered with them. Very disturbing :-(
I understand what you all say,when you say thats too small.
I did used to breed them in a 2ft tank but when i got a breeding pair of angels i moved the male into the small tank and just out of curiosity tried to breed them in it and it did suprise me that it was succesfull however the two you can see in there have bred 3 times now in that tank so i'll stick with it.
However you are right if you are a newcomer to the breeding world the i would recommend a larger tank.
well im not complaining or anything im just stating that that is a little small for most of our tastes and most breeders go with bigger tanks. this is mine that i just set up.

its a 29 liter(6.25gallons) tanks that is spread more horizontal and it only about 6 inchs tall. i am trying to give my bettas alot of room.

edit: there are fake plants in my drawer unopened ready to go in so more hiding places are coming.


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Tell you what coconutman thats freaky
the setup you have is almost exactly the same as the one i used to have, even right down to the two 1/2 cups at either end.
But dont get me wrong if i had the spare tanks i'd go back to that way,the big problem for me is i spend so much time now with my marine setup that tropicals dont get enough of my attention anymore so after they have spawned (shown in pic) i'm affraid that my days of breeding betta's will be over and i may only carry on with my kribs if that.

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