My Bengal Kitten


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Warrington UK
This is my Bengal kitten, he is only 2 weeks old :wub: . Unfortunately I cant get him of the breeder until the first week in January, he has to have all his jabs and stuff :/ I cant wait we are going to call him Blade :sly:


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very nice kitten I just love Bengals :thumbs:

you may or may not know about them so here is a website on them
I hope you have many happy times with Blade.

I'd love one - (but Lorna is allergic :()

how much is he costing you?
I definitely second Blade for Pet of the Month....I love Bengals, they look exotic and their coats are gorgeous. What a lovely cat! :thumbs: :cool:
Wow thanks for the nominations :hyper: :hyper:

Well he is going to cost me the pricey sum of £450, but I'm sure he will be worth every penny.

He has some brothers and sisters If anyone is interested, here's the breeders website

Thanks all for your comments :cool:
I would be a matter of fact i just got back from a pet sanctuary about an hour away. i think their website is its very nice, they have around 30 big cats. All that were either not wanted, abused or that attacked their owners. They had two african Sengals that attacked magicans that used them. They also had lions and wolves and others... -_-
That's a great website....I'm not sure what it has to do with that adorable kitten though :unsure:

I'll third the nom :thumbs: That cat is too cute for words :wub:
bshockstubb said:
I would be a matter of fact i just got back from a pet sanctuary about an hour away. i think their website is its very nice, they have around 30 big cats. All that were either not wanted, abused or that attacked their owners. They had two african Sengals that attacked magicans that used them. They also had lions and wolves and others... -_-
What does that have to do with Bengals?

Bengal cats are domestic pedigree cats not a big cat.

The Bengal is a medium to large domestic feline that originates from crossings of the small Asian Leopard Cat (ALC) to the domestic cat in an attempt to create a companion with an "exotic" look but a domestic temperament. After four to five generations of Bengal-to-Bengal breeding, the breed is recognized for championship competition by most international domestic cat associations including TICA, ACFA, GCCF, and AACE.
Taken from the site I linked to in my first reply
I love the coloration of Bengal cats.
Cute little furball.

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