My beautiful Frontosa


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
I've found myself playing on the floor a LOT this week since my daughter has been home for Spring Break, I've also found that it's a great place to take tank pictures :p

So,here is an update on my frontosa tank. They're outgrowing it really fast. I saw a 280 at my lfs the other day and I almost had a conniption fit thinking of my beebee's in there :hyper: Within the year,oh yes...within the year :shifty:

Also, this tank is not set up for appearance so it's not the loveliest of lovely tanks,but merely a home for my fish. They're the centerpiece, rocks schmocks...

"Is she gone yet?"

Nope...not yet little guy :p


Love them! I also have 11 loaches who apparently hide really well when I take pics and my syno cat who is nowhere to be seen in any of the shots. He's usually out and about pestering the fronts. B)
gadazobe said:
Wuv - they are beauts - bet you're very proud of them :)
Thanks gada, and I am :wub: I love watching them grow,and they still have sooo much growing to do :hyper: :wub:
Looks fab!!!!!! The fish are truely beautiful. The tank looks great too but only because of the fish :drool:
amazing fish wuv :thumbs:
i agree with you,they're the centerpiece. with a school of frontosa,who will even think of the aquascape?

wow there fantastic. your right about them being the center peice but that green rocks isn't doing any favours :lol:

I noticed Trimar has a group of 6 frontosas up for grabs for £250 :blink:
Oh they are stunning! :wub: Wish I had a big enough tank :( How much did the tank you saw at your LFS cost?
Thanks for looking at them you guys :wub: I adore them,they're not the most active fish,but they're very interactive,which I love. I could watch them for hours (and I have :look: )

How much did the tank you saw at your LFS cost?
Can't say for sure, I didn't ask. It was a custom made display tank, I'd have them order one for me. After seeing it I have decided that I want no smaller than a 280 :look:

No spawning attempts as of yet,or even interest in such things. I believe they hit sexual maturity between 3-5 years, I've had my largest for almost two years and they were teeny when I got them so I figure within the next couple of years they'll begin getting frisky. I explained to my husband about the potential future fry and he was gung-ho for the new tank after he heard how much I could sell them for :lol: I also explained that he needs to be patient because they need to grow up together before they spawn. :whistle:

I'll say anything to get that new tank faster :whistle:

your right about them being the center peice but that green rocks isn't doing any favours
Hey now...hey now!! :sly:
I know, it's not beautiful but one of the fish sleeps under it and I'd hate to destroy his world :rolleyes: :p
Wow, they're gorgeous!

I didn't even notice the rocks until you mentioned them and I went back! :fun:

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