my babies are growing up


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I have 6 baby rosey barbs- they are just over a year old now, and absolutely goregous. 2 of my fellas are fighting it out for the job of top dog. its soo cute. They hide in oposite corners of the tank, and when one gets a little to close to the other they swim around and around in circles. I took some video of it, but i dont have anyway of cutting it down at all. Ill have to work on it. tee hee.
I have well over 30 rosy barb fry that are about a month old growing up in a 10 gallon tank. When would you consider putting them in with their parents?
I left mine out for almost a year. The people at my pet store told me that if you separate them then you should leave them out until they are as big as you would buy them in a store. I don't know how true that is. I was just afraid to put mine in because 3 of my 4 adults died and i didnt want my remaining male to be agressive towards the babies.

Basically the rule of thumb is that if they are big enough to not fit in anyones mouth you are safe. If you have plenty of hiding spots you should be ok to put them in whenever.

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