My Arowana!

to answer the 1st quetion, check youtube. I cant link you or my posting will be removed just search magicAMX. do ur worst 2 him. PLZ do.

2 answer the second question the fish is aout 6 months old.
6 months old and it hasn't reached the 12" mark yet!!? What are you feeding the poor thing, celery?

At 6 months it should be well passed 12 inches and heading on for being 2 feet long at a year old, get some food into that fish before it ends up runty and stunted :hyper:
6 months old and it hasn't reached the 12" mark yet!!? What are you feeding the poor thing, celery?

At 6 months it should be well passed 12 inches and heading on for being 2 feet long at a year old, get some food into that fish before it ends up runty and stunted :hyper:
my point exactly
small arowanas like yours should be getting 2 big meaty meals a day
aswell as the mealworms get him eating prawns mussles and whitebait
guppies are ok if you are raising them
sorry to say but that oscar doesn't look happy at all, his colours should be much darker and stronger than that. cichlids let you know how they're feeling through they're colour a lot. I think he's stressed out by his companions and you should find him a calmer home.
10 inches? no way!!!! He was turning so often it was hard to measure him, but he was probally around 1'1" i guess when I tried to measure him, but he never swam straight, hes always turning, aros never stop moving. hes grown mabye 2 inches over this month.

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