My aquarium

All I can say in regaurds to the sand is that Corydoras cats, are more durable than plants. I would NOT plant glosso in fine sand . . . If anything, a compromise could be made in using coral sand. I have it in my 20g-- the cories love it still, and my sagiteria spreads over it like crazy. Make sure you have enough light for carpeting plants.

My experience though, having some bare substrate in front CAN be effective in composition.
well since i already started this thread before im gonna post the same tank but i redone it after a month of stockpiling the needed materials ( like gravel, floredepot, etc etc plants more plants rocks. more plants lol you get the point )

i started from scratch and this is a shot of the tank a few mins after set up, around 1am haha lol started at around 8 pm finished 1 am :D


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this is a week later with the riccia on drift wood experiment :D haha lol

o ya i changed everything in the tank btw including the substrate from the larger size 5 gravel to the much much smaller size 3

this is a shot of the tank a week later


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this is a shot of the tank yesterday :) the tank started to turn a bit tan in color because of the drift wood i sawed in half :D lol

i would really appreciate comments on my tank and tips :)

btw here are the stuff inside the takn

stuff in tank
1 layer of floredepot
1 later of gravel
3 rocks
1 drift wood sawed in half == 2

filters and hardware
2X osram daylight CF 6000K
1X toshiba plant light 8000K i think
1X classica plant light 7000K
total of around 4 WPG i think
i hob
and a small internal for the c02 reactor


corkscrew vals
dwarf sag
crypto type wendtii
bacopa monieri
rotala rotundifolia
ludwiga perenis

living things in tank
2 X otto
2X albino corys
2X pepper corys
1X panda cory
10 shrimps (glass i believe)


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Looking good! :thumbs:

I really like the arches made with the rocks and driftwood. It will look even better when the riccia covers the driftwood completely.
thanks :) i wanted to make it look natural :( but from the looks of it im still far at being able to achieve something like that :) i still need more practice and research :) maybe next year my 3rd attempt would look way better then this one :)
I loved the 3rd pic it looked awsome dead natural. :D

Them plants in pics 3 look really healthy and how big is the tank I have a 15 gallon
30cm high , 60cm long , 30 cm wide. yours?
and where did u get them plants from?
i had my tank custom built a looong looong looong time ago around ... when i was just in grade school my dad gave the tank to me so the specs is kinda weird

14.5 in height
10.5 in width
20 in length

its roughly 13 gallons

i got my plants from a local plant person that grows em i think (aquarium plants are easy to find here but good ones are hard to find)

hmm i think im gonna have to dose ferts soon, how soon do you dose your plants with fertilizers ?
well decided to use my digicam in taking an update tank pic, i cut down my stargrass and its not doing well :( :(


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