My Aquarium

Thanks Tetraman, I keep making that mistake. I'm impressed you could see them though!

Thanks for the other comments - The shark is worrying me now. It is a red tail. The lfs was ok about it (but I've read enough stories on here about lfs advice!). Is it likely they'd take it back?
Thanks Tetraman, I keep making that mistake. I'm impressed you could see them though!

Thanks for the other comments - The shark is worrying me now. It is a red tail. The lfs was ok about it (but I've read enough stories on here about lfs advice!). Is it likely they'd take it back?

depends completely on the shop, a lot of them will, some will be stroppy. You can only ask.... if you can't then there's a buys, sell and swap forum on here you can post them up and hopefully someone will want him.

your best bet is to find a decent store, find the manager and just talk to him every time you go in. We've done this and made friends, now he rings us when he's got something coming in he knows we'll like and has quite happily take 5 fish from us that he knows he's no market for and definately won't sell quickly, but may not sell at all. Thankfully he's quite taken with them himself and is say's if they don't go he's gonna set up a little breeding project with them. :) always pays to have friends!
One thing you must remember to do with your biorb is to syphon the bottom filter media (those small rocky things) very well otherwise lots of fish poo will build up down there and if you do eventually have to drain it fully it isn't pleasant :sick: bleeeuch :p.
Also you must keep on top of algae - if you don't scrub it off asap it will be glued on for eternity (I needed to use biological washing liquid and a brush with water to get it off!).
But apart from that it's a very nice looking tank :D.

Also, don't feel bad about suffering from MTS :p, I am in the early stages of it with having my second tank up and running for a while, and soon to be adding another. If anything MTS is a good thing for a fish keeper cos it means you are less likely to have overcrowded tank and incompatible fish together :). Severe MTS can be a problem and can and will take over you and your house if you let it :eek:!
you did a good job of those nifty biorbs.

The surface area disalllows you too add as many fish that you could have done in a square tank

What plants are in the tank?
Rob, yes I've been keeping an eye on the algae situation. Last water change I wiped the inside of the BiOrb and a small amount of muck came off. The tank isn't in sunlight - the room is unused during the day and we tend to keep curtains closed and anyway, we haven't had much sun lately :-(

The snails have moved onto the inside of the tank walls and on the middle pipe where the algae is more obvious.

Qays, I really don't know what the plants are! I am terrible. They are all green and have leaves. And they are all growing madly.

Thanks to everyone for all your comments.

Yeah, getting a shark in a community aquarium might not be such a snazzy idea. Just so you know, cardinal tetras have red going through their entire bodies while neon tetras anly have it on their back third.

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