This is my BiOrb 60L tropical aquarium. This was bought for the children in February. The requirement was for a simple aquarium with fish that are easy to look after. My wife chose the BiOrb and the mirrored base it sits on - it was very much 'design led'. I researched the BiOrb (which led me to this forum) and concluded that for our purposes, it was ok. I accept its limitations.

The BiOrb was prepared and run without fish for 2 weeks or so. This was partly because it seemed like a good thing to do and partly because the first fish were meant as a birthday present. We started with a Balloon Molly and a Black Molly along with 4 Neon Tetras.
The base is a mirrored table from Laura Ashley. It is on its side with the original base now facing the wall. I cut a hole in the base and added strengthening. Load tests showed that it was probably unnecessary but I'd rather over-engineer than have 60 litres of water and loads of broken glass everywhere. I rigged a timer for the BiOrb standard light. The standard pump is silent as long as none of the pipes move and vibrate against wires etc. I added a non-return valve to the air pipe as someone on this forum mentioned that the valve in the BiOrb sometimes fails. The heater works fine. The water and filter changes have been easy using a siphon and bucket. The supplier gave me a BiOrb wrench to remove jammed filters but this has not been necessary.

The rear of the aquarium. Normally hidden against the wall.

The BiOrb was prepared and run without fish for 2 weeks or so. This was partly because it seemed like a good thing to do and partly because the first fish were meant as a birthday present. We started with a Balloon Molly and a Black Molly along with 4 Neon Tetras.
The base is a mirrored table from Laura Ashley. It is on its side with the original base now facing the wall. I cut a hole in the base and added strengthening. Load tests showed that it was probably unnecessary but I'd rather over-engineer than have 60 litres of water and loads of broken glass everywhere. I rigged a timer for the BiOrb standard light. The standard pump is silent as long as none of the pipes move and vibrate against wires etc. I added a non-return valve to the air pipe as someone on this forum mentioned that the valve in the BiOrb sometimes fails. The heater works fine. The water and filter changes have been easy using a siphon and bucket. The supplier gave me a BiOrb wrench to remove jammed filters but this has not been necessary.

The rear of the aquarium. Normally hidden against the wall.