My Appartment Aka Disaster Zone


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
I think I told a few people about what happened with the flat and the resulting house move and what caused it. So I thought I would do a journal of it here :)

Basically in July we were having some work done on the apartment - and the plumber found a leak coming from upstairs which had been leaking for about a year to our floor through the shared waste pipe/section and as a result its rotted the floor and walls so its a total rebuild on the inside for us which is good and fun in the long run but right now were moved out and I want more fish tanks haha :D

The work started on Monday 18th October 2010 so we are at the end of week one now and this is how it looks






I'll try to keep this updated :)

:crazy: Well theres plenty of room for more tanks in there now :lol:.
Any ideas how long it will take them to do?
Hope you can move back in and get more tanks soon :good:
since the walls are allready down why not get a nice big tank and stick in one of the walls,,, maybe have a flat screen effect or something.
haha good reactions :D

Hoping to be back in for Christmas - we are in a comfy bungalow till then though honestly apart from moving day its been pretty okay so far - filter crash resulted in a disease outbreak which I was not happy about and I lost my largest geo :( but as far as living its not bad.

As for fish tanks the plan (so far) is 3 but I do think that will be me happy :)

1 South American Tank (+ Nic :lol:) which should be about 5x20x2 maybe bigger depends whats available.

1 South American Puffer Tank - about 3 foot or so - not sure on total size depends on other dimensions

1 Asian Micro Tank - about 20-25 gallons

The big tank will be on the wall right at the back in the lounge and the 3 foot and the micro tank will be in an area between the door and the "box fort kitchen"

The walls are not thick enough for a decent tank only a few inches thick which is a shame as I did think about it :/

replace stud walls with smaller thinner conjoined tanks ;-)
i dont think imentioned it on here but i managed to flood my own house twice. water leaked from my bathroom on the 2nd floor to the basement :shout: thankfully the only things needed to be done were minor

combination of ADD and the fact my bathroom sink does not have an overflow drain

hope this goes fast, hows that nic?
Good lord, what a great excuse to buy everything new and get someone else to pay for it, you did have insurance, right?

Seffie x
wow great therapy but when
do you start putting it all
back together .get your big tank
in now while you can :lol:
Thanks guys :)

Had a call from the builder today - aparantly all the floors are up now :) haha

Wills anyone else picturing a wall-length tank? :drool:
Just put four glass sides around the very outside of the perimetre inside and bobs your uncle. Whopper tank :p Might need a tent to sleep in outside though ;)

Seriously i suppose most would say its a ball ache, and really unlucky. But i think its serious luck. You have the option of a complete blank canvas - in every room! Haha...i wonder if i can convince my parents house to "collapse" naturally :p

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