My Angel Has A White Bump On Its Face!


New Member
Jun 29, 2012
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My Angel is with one other angel, I have multiple mollies, 3 tetras, A few platy, 2 Danios, 3 Snails, and a few ghost shrimp. As well as a long tailed fish (one male and one female.) in a 55 gallon tank.
Ammonia levels all seem okay, everything is fine when I checked.

My angel has a lump on its face, it has a white color to it. It has been having it for about 2 days now, and I didn't realize it would stay there for a long time, but it has and now I am worried because I am going to travel soon, and I'm going to leave my fish for about a month.
Is there anything I can do before I leave?

Here is a picture of my Angel.
i hate to tell you this but that isnt an angelfish :crazy:

looks more like a long finned tetra to me......
Agreed; that's a long fin black widow tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi.

As to the lump; it's hard to tell from that pic. It could be an injury, perhaps from one of the other fish? Black widows can be quite aggressive if not kept in shoals of six or more, or it could be one of the other fish; hard to tell unless we know what they are...

Or maybe bacterial?; I'd recommend Myzazin for that, if you're in the UK.

Oh, could you post the actual numbers from your tests, please? It would help us rule out anything going on there, if we knew that numbers.

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