my albino cat fish keep dieing

Catfish Fanatic

Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2004
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well the only new thing i added to the tank where two mystry snails but i already had one but the albinos seem to get sick lose fins have red blotches on them they also look pale well pale for albinos they sit around myserable laying on side having boincy problems then die agter 2 week well its happened with three of them and the first two where fine and happy why dose it only effect albinos how can i stop it
albino cory and i dont know i gave up on keeping them you dont think if a mystry snail acidently jumped on a catfish it try to attack it
Hi Catfish Fanatic :)

I'm sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with your albino corys. These corys, if they are C. aeneus (which they probably are), are usually quite sturdy little fish.

It sounds like you might be having bacterial problems which is the thing that tends to bother corys most. If you answer the following questions, perhaps we can help you determine what to do to cure and prevent this from happening again. How long has your tank been set up for? What temperature do you keep it at? What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrite readings? How often do you do water changes and how large are they? :unsure:
11 month around 87 f perfect except a hint of ammoina and mabey escargo lol :fun: and 90% every 5 weeks not my fault mom dosent let me do them alone and shes realy lazy :/ plus i have other corys that are not effected but i did witness a mystry snail try to land on my littels albino bye jumping off the glass it realy bothers me when i think about it :sick: my other fish seem great though
Hi Catfish Fanatic :)

What other fish do you have in the tank? Unless they need such a high temperature, I suggest you gradually lower the temperature to around 78F. That temperature is way too high for your albinos. That high a temperature also promotes the growth of bad bacteria and reduces the oxygen content, which can cause problems.

It's very important to do regular water changes, even if they are smaller ones. You should also vacuum the bottom often. These things are important to maintain the health of all fish, but especially corys who live down where all the dirt settles.

If you have any ammonia showing on the water tests, please begin doing regular water changes of at least 25% or more every week. If your mother doesn't understand why this is necessary to keep your fish healthy, we will be happy to explain it to her. :nod:

I doubt that your snail intentionally tried to harm your cory. It probably just landed where the cory was and was as surprised as you were. :D

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