My 90 Litre Tank Journal/ Aquascape

So plant type/species doesnt matter as such when thinking about using ferts ? I have treid reading the planted side of things but i really lose concentration.
Another picture update to follow a.s.a.p

ok so here it is. NOT FINISHED yet. still a bit cloudy but at least you can see the inside and offer ideas or criticism  or what ever. The plants are plastic and are just to put me on till the weekend when i get the chance to get some Living ones.
So what do you think ?
greenmumma141 said:
and you can dose weekly
I think I might need my eyes testing again. For a second, I read this as "donkey wee" 

Anyway, back on topic! The tanks is looking even better now it's cleared up a bit 

With plants, the species would only not matter if you had great light, were dosing CO2, were dosing ferts and had the right water conditions. Ferts are always going to help though as even with limited light and/or CO2, your plants will still need them. I'd do a bit of research away from the forum for this if I were you, then come back and post what you've found for people to suggest whether they would work or not :)
Some plants you may find will do well in a low-tech setup are:
Java Fern
Java Moss
Water Wisteria
Amazon Sword
A number of Vallis
I'm no plant expert but I hope that helped a little :)
Every time I get hornwort, it grows more the more I neglect it!
How did we all forget anubias?! :rolleyes:   ....speaking of which, i saw the BIGGEST anubias I've ever seen in my life yesterday in a creepy little LFS.  The leaves were bigger than my hands, the rhizome was over a foot long and the whole thing was probably the size of TWO basketballs. She wanted $50 lol
$50 for one plant? That's insane!
Unless it was really impressive, as in REALLY really :p
I think I'd still manage to kill it... although my current plants are still living and looking alright still!
Have you made any decisions yet plant-wise, PlumbersMerchant?
It certainly wasn't worth $50, but it was impressive to see such a huge anubias. Of course, it probably grew to that size from being in the tank for so long bc her prices are so ridiculous, but that's another thread in itself :)
Ridiculous yes.but if you think how long it takes an anubia to grow that big and how many actually do it I can understand that price.
Either that or go buy a small one and wait a couple of years and pray that it grows that big.
That said I would never spend 50 £ on a plant.with that money I can plant a full tank if I choose right.
You can! 
It would actually be interesting how much she paid for it and how long she's had it. Not that she's ever going to tell anyone that :p
I reckon if I had any plant long enough for it to grow to that size then I'd get emotionally attached to it! :lol:
]Updates : sorry its been so long
So, ive had the fish in for 2 weeks now and all is going well. last weekend i went out and bought some plants (5 different kinds) so that could be fun to try and identify them ha ha.
some of the plastic ones are still in there to make it look fuller until the real ones have grown a bit and filled out.
Front view.
love these little plants. my male guppy tango getting a bit of spotlight time ha ha
Centre and left view. so the two in the back corner are both real, growing nearly 4" each in a week !. the plant at the end of the bogwood is real too and the one to the far right of the shot is also.
Can safely say i have really enjoyed doing my tank re-scape, as i have also loved doing this journal/thread. can anybody think of any ideas as to what i could improve ?
It's looking good but may I suggest you fill the water to the top? - gives the fish that extra bit of water :D
yeah, i did used to do that but the filter i have is a waterfall type filter and if there isnt a gap between the water surface and the filter outlet. Wish i could get it higher but it wont circulate properly
Ok, the other option then is to get some black tape similar to electrical tape and fix it around the top so you just see the tank from the water down.

Just an opinion but think it look better. :)

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