I went with buenos aires tetras, I was heart set on silver dollars, but the place I looked to get them had them in a mixed bag of red hooks, plain, and spotted, and I'm way too picky to have a bundle of different species, even if they do school with each other. They only had like 3 of the red hooks and plain, and 1 spotted, and were not expecting another shipment for a month or so, even then they'd just get another mixed bag.
Not to mention most of them were tattered and seemed to have bacterial infections.
I'm going to rehome the bichir regardless, the cichlids really enjoy picking on him, particularly when he's floating his way down to the bottom of the tank.
I've rearranged the tank a tad and removed the plants, I may also within the next month or two get more malaysian driftwood and bump out the mopani wood just to keep things consistant. Also considering adding some black slate stones somewhere. Does anyone know where to get some black slate stones?
At the moment I've got 10 buenos aires tetras, I'd like to up to 20 eventually, here. At the same time, I'd like to get some ground movement in the tank during a time that isn't feeding time. I was looking into angelicus botia loaches, but I don't know if I have enough room with all the catfish which will eventually be pretty large. Anyone have a say on what to do with the bottom floor?
More pictures on the tank coming soon; gonna get some more finalized stocking first.