My 680L 6X2X2


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Chatham, Kent
Thought I would do a diary of my "new" 680' tank, upgraded from 190l tank, and was using the rocks and plants, as well as substrate from this tank in my new once, along with new stuff.

This is the tank in the previous owners house

After a lot of F'ing and blinding, scrapped fingers and broken muscles I got it all into place, ready to fix outlet pipe from tank to sump (the radiator is turned off) next to it was the old tank

So the new sand went in and a few rocks, I filled the tank up halfway, whilst adding tap safe, sump kicked in, and then transfered water from old tank and filter media into new one. Added sand from old tank into new one, added remaining rocks, wood and plants, when temperature was up and the sump was not overflowing, in went the fish. Its still a bit cloudy even after running for a good 15 hours, but it is getting clearer all the time.


This morning

and here is Monstro, the plec I inherited with the tank - the pic was taken at the previous owners place - hes just over 12 inches long

680 litres! But they never look very big in photographs do they? I think I'll get a dwarf to stand next to mine and make it look like a 1000 litre! I'm sure height disadvantaged people won't mind my reference too much, my own wife is only 5 foot tall; "here love, stand just there I want to take a picture" (she has small hands too).

I like the idea of a sump but what do they contribute to a tropical fish tank. What are the advantages? I presume the only downside is the plumbing aspect.
I like the idea of a sump but what do they contribute to a tropical fish tank. What are the advantages? I presume the only downside is the plumbing aspect.

It came with it so im kind of stuck with it, but from what i understand, apart from not having the heater in the tank itself, there is no evaporation from the tank, just the sump so topping that up is easier. You can have many different filter types as well making it better - as i understand.

I had to do a lot of research about the sump so I could understand it. the only downside is if there is a powercut!!! the water will continue to flow out into the sump without anything going back in and it can overflow if the levels havnt been measured correctly - i think i have it nailed :crazy:

when I got the tank, I had to cut the outpipe so the tank and stand could be seperated, 1 join and solvent cement later and its all good, dead impressed with myself :shout:
680 litres! But they never look very big in photographs do they? I think I'll get a dwarf to stand next to mine and make it look like a 1000 litre! I'm sure height disadvantaged people won't mind my reference too much, my own wife is only 5 foot tall; "here love, stand just there I want to take a picture" (she has small hands too).

I like the idea of a sump but what do they contribute to a tropical fish tank. What are the advantages? I presume the only downside is the plumbing aspect.

Hahahahahahahahaha to the wife part my Missus is 5ft tall and my 5ft juwel looks huge next to her hahaha
An update now, as the tank has settled a bit more, still a little bit cloudy but overall looking good - I have a broken light unit so only 1 tube is working at the moment. Apologies for poor quality pics only had iPhone to hand, once Digital camera is charged will update some more. Comments welcome :good: need some nice shoaling fish - but not sure what to get






Zebra Danios and Guppies


Tank Shots





I love guppies but in a 6 footer ? I feel pain lol
I love guppies but in a 6 footer ? I feel pain lol

haha, it is odd watching them, as one minute i can see them, the next they have gone. I thought I had lost my rusty pleco and 3 zebras but then 15 minutes later there they were :lol:

Going to be looking for a nice Golden Severum as my centre piece, some shoaling tetra or scissor tails, from then on who knows
Severums are quite peaceful but if the fish can fit in its mouth it will eat it. I'd worry about the guppies and platties when it is fully grown.
Severums are quite peaceful but if the fish can fit in its mouth it will eat it. I'd worry about the guppies and platties when it is fully grown.

I thought Sev's were only interested in plants (hence my limited plantage) and wouldn't go for smaller fish... or is this a common misconception?! :blink:
I have a 7 severums, they will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths, my big red spotted female tried to eat a whole corydora when I first put her in the tank, thank god she's so big and they are so quick, I've seen milk turn faster than she does. They have now grown too big for her to eat now but the see little swimmy things as a meal. And yes, definately don't get plants, they just pull them out and drag them around the tank for fun
Just a quick question how's your plec doing with the sand as one of my mates said plecs should have gravel decor and I've just got sand in my setup and I wanted to get a couple plecs
I have a 7 severums, they will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths, my big red spotted female tried to eat a whole corydora when I first put her in the tank, thank god she's so big and they are so quick, I've seen milk turn faster than she does. They have now grown too big for her to eat now but the see little swimmy things as a meal. And yes, definately don't get plants, they just pull them out and drag them around the tank for fun

Will have to look out for that then... Well my Java ferns have been tied to the wood so fingers crossed :unsure:

Just a quick question how's your plec doing with the sand as one of my mates said plecs should have gravel decor and I've just got sand in my setup and I wanted to get a couple plecs

The common seems just fine, he/she nevers moves off of it, my Rusty on the other hand is always hiding or on something - maybe the age, I don't know :rolleyes:

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