My 6 Gallon Betta Tank


Jan 10, 2006
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what do you think? :hey:


I have the same tank as that, Admitadly Yours looks better, I'm going to convert it into a sort of cavey look soon.
I'm a little jealous of yours! :good:
James :good:
The tank looks great and you've got a handsome little fellow :wub: I bet he's loving all that space!
Thanks for the comments guys!!! :) My red vt loves it in there always swimming at the front!! Animation do you keep bettas in yours? i have to turn the spraybar back to lower the flow. :thumbs:
:drool: lovely tank....might want to move the cat book though... :rolleyes: scare the fishy :lol:
tank snap!!!
my black one like that is cycling
i have a silver one already set up
this one looks goooood!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yer just a few letters for him!! Fan mail i think lol!!, Left the cat book out so he can read up.
Now, THAT is a deluxe living space! Great job, you'll have a happy betta. Watch out with your plant species, though, some of them need more light. What's your WPG, Watt per Gallon? Easy to tell, take the wattage on your bulb and divide it by the size of your tank in gallons. Just want to make sure your plants do as well as your fish.
Now, THAT is a deluxe living space! Great job, you'll have a happy betta. Watch out with your plant species, though, some of them need more light. What's your WPG, Watt per Gallon? Easy to tell, take the wattage on your bulb and divide it by the size of your tank in gallons. Just want to make sure your plants do as well as your fish.

Its got a small power compact bulb in there its 11 watt seems to be strong enough because the plants are growing quite well :good:
Wow that is really awesome, amazing what is possible with a smaller tank.

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