My 55gal Journal

Well the seller finally contacted me and I got the guage working properly. I still need to buy a cyclinder. I've already decided on a 5lb tank. But what would you say is a good price for one? The local welding store wants $95 for a filled tank. (filling a empty tank costs $15). I'm ordering my plants from, if I order the canister from them as well it will cost $68 for an empty one.

I've been trying to get B. brigittae from franks aquarium and Anubias design. I have looked at B. merah, but I'm consered It might be too small or too shy. Have you ever had problems with this fish geting frightened or spooked?
Well the seller finally contacted me and I got the guage working properly. I still need to buy a cyclinder. I've already decided on a 5lb tank. But what would you say is a good price for one? The local welding store wants $95 for a filled tank. (filling a empty tank costs $15). I'm ordering my plants from, if I order the canister from them as well it will cost $68 for an empty one.

I've been trying to get B. brigittae from franks aquarium and Anubias design. I have looked at B. merah, but I'm consered It might be too small or too shy. Have you ever had problems with this fish geting frightened or spooked?

I've got four B. merah now, and they are actually quite extroverted. I do have them with other small Boraras and Ember tetras, so there isn't much by way of competition and spooking. The largest fish in the tank are otos. The B. merah eat micro pellets and BBS, and other prepared and frozen foods. I'm in the process of getting more from Franks aquarium. I've never tried Anubias design.

Thanks for the info. I asked for an update from Anubias design on the B. brigittae, I was told he should be able to get them in late August or early September when he orders fish again. I'll wait till then and if nothing happens I'll go with B. merah.
Thanks for the info. I asked for an update from Anubias design on the B. brigittae, I was told he should be able to get them in late August or early September when he orders fish again. I'll wait till then and if nothing happens I'll go with B. merah.

This is good to know that they will carry briggittae. I'll make myself known to them, as they are no longer on Frank's supplier's list. The B. merah came in an order of briggittae, they can look similar when pale. I ended up liking the merah and have decided to increase the school. These fish were pretty tough to acclimate, but the ones that made it are now thriving in my tank. I am interested in some of the Boraras species and my 20g is essentially a conditioning tank for these and other small species.

Look forward to seeing pictures of the tank when everything is settled.

Happy I could help.

In other news I ordered plants today! They should arrive in a few days along with my co2 canister. Then the fun begins :D .
Happy I could help.

In other news I ordered plants today! They should arrive in a few days along with my co2 canister. Then the fun begins :D .

My plants are on their way too. :D It is going to be a fun week. Look forward to your pictures.
Que the music!

Had a very fun day yesterday planting the tank. I really love it and the fish love it as well. Two of the rainbows have been displaying non stop for over two hours now. I under estimated the sized of some of the plants, mainly the sword. They are BIG. Also ordered waaayyy too much micro sword. Its been planted for almost 24hrs now and I haven't had to replant that many plants yet :good: . I still need to get my co2 canister filled witch will take about 5 days, I also have the old plastic lids on still, with the lights I built sitting on top of them. A lot of the light is being blocked, I'm trying to make some lids or find some glass ones, but haven't had much luck yet.

I'm already getting picky on the scaping and some of the plants. I don't like the Hygrophilia corymbosa for some reason.







I also added a True Siamese Algae Eater. He's about 2.5" long and was almost scared to death when I moved him to this tank. He's the first fish I've added to this tank in about 6 months. The rainbows greeted like he might be something to eat :look:. They've now decided he's a tankmate and have ignored him. The eels have ignored him since the beginning, but he's still scared of them. Not that I blame him.
wow looks good :drool: where did u get the plants from as i am looking to order some micro sword also u may wanna atatch that anubias to some drift wood as it will die if its rizhome is burried

ps those eels are huge lol
Yeah tank is looking good. I know what you mean about Rainbows I put some new otos in my tank last night and was socket to see one in the mouth of a Rainbow. Be spat him back out and he seems okay but it still scared me a bit.

The tank has been filling out quite nicely. I haven't had too many issues with plants getting uprooted, and these seem to be diminishing as the plants establish there roots. I've pulled the anubais as they are just too slow growing. I still need to change the hood. I have the new glass one, but I need to modify it. The old plastic one is still on, it is blocking some of the light. Which is probably why the microsword refuses to grow for me. I also think the swords I too big, so I'm looking for something to replace them, most likely a stem plant.

I did get rid of my boeseami rainbows, my stocking now is, some rummy nosed tetras, 8 ornate rainbows, 3 panda garra, and the 2 rubber eels. I'm planning on addind some cherry shrimp, since my other tank is overflowing with them.





You should've kept the Anubias and been patient. A grown 'bed' of anubias is unbeatable once established. looks awesome

Anubias left and right here:

You can get a nice balance between the slow growing plants and the fast growing stems and it also means you only have to 'maintain' the faster plants whilst the slower growers fill out an area.

Otherwise its looking good.

The eels eat bait nightcrawlers, about 2 every few days or so. they will eat anything "meaty" though.

I probably could of gotten the anubias to work, but it's just not my kinda plant. It doesn't look like what I feel a aquatic plant should look like. And I perfer plants that grow like weeds over ones that barely grow at all.

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