Always Watching
I finally made up my mind about whether or not I should turn my 55gal into a hi-tech planted tank. Well I finally decided to go for it. I've got 100lbs of eco-complete heading my way at the moment . I'm planing on changing the stocking as well. ATM the tank holds 3 boesemani rainbows, 8 rummy nosed tetras and 2 adult rubber eels. I'm keeping the rubber eels but all the other fish will be sold and I will restock the tank with different fish. The rubbers will provide me with a challenge, because I doubt they are going to make aquascaping and planting very easy. I'm just hopeing they don't enjoy burrowing into the eco-complete. I am planning on getting everything done in 3 weeks or so. I still need to get a co2 setup, lights, ferts, and of course plants. I'll add more detail to this thread when I get a chance. Below is a current picture of the tank.