My 55 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2013
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I started my 55 gallon tank about two months ago I had a lot of bumps along the road like plant deficiencies  plant eating fish and ammonia problems but finally everything got better and I learned more started using dry salts and dosing with the EI method. so now I want to share my creation and I would also like opinions on how I can aqua scape better because I randomly put plants in the tank because I don't really have a creative mind and just hoped that the image would manifest on it's own lol pretty pathetic but I'm proud of what I've created please I would like opinions but don't be to mean people. Keep in mind I am a beginner at this and I am still learning imagejpeg_2.jpg
I like your tank. It's got lots of open spaces for fishes to have a swim and some plant cover as well.
What fish are in there? They really love that space on the right.
I like it too, very nice asymmetry :)
Perhaps some vallis or stem plants in the back left hand corner to give you a bit more height?
i have some neons and buenos aires tetras and giant danios also some dump eye tetras and pristellas and a couple blue rams, a couple of bettas and rasporas, and cories

some valis would be nice :) i think I will soon be getting a few more plants I like the valis too and I was thinking some baby tears for a carpet
I also have a chinese algae eaters and I know it is said everywhere that they are aggressive but mine happens to be very peaceful he sits under the driftwood and hides but doesnt mind anybody that goes down there with him i got him when he was very little and now he is about six inches maybe more and he hasn't fought with any of my fish. So happy I got lucky

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