My 55 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
Williamsburg, Virginia
Hello, this is my tank, a medium 55 gallon discus tank.contains 2 red discus and 1 gray.View attachment 52852 oh yeah, the red discus says hi :) DSC00013.JPG
In the tank, i've got 1 large red discus, 1 small red discus, and 1 grey discus who is hiding in the rocks probably. P.S please see the poll&vote&opinion topic called "African chiclids need YOUR poll!" in the tropical discussion page :good:
In the tank, i've got 1 large red discus, 1 small red discus, and 1 grey discus who is hiding in the rocks probably. P.S please see the poll&vote&opinion topic called "African chiclids need YOUR poll!" in the tropical discussion page :good:

Posting again, just incase you missed it. That's not enough fish, TheRedDiscus. You can tell that those poor fish are really stressed. You should get a few more Discus, it is a pretty good excuse to buy a few more fish (2) :lol:

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