My 55 gallon, fully planted!


Fish Addict
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Hey, I just though I would post my new tank. After spending about $150 on plants, I thought I'd show people what it gets them, which isn't that much in the end.




My digital camera kinda sucks so I'm hoping to buy a new one soon.
:D That's a beautiful tank! TOTM for the first pic! I just love planted tanks! I'm still working on planting my 46 gallon tank, so I haven'e revealed any pictures yet. :thumbs:
Nice plants!

$150? :blink:

You could of gotten the same effect with one plant of each species and a little patience... besides, what if $150 worth of plants died on you?

My dad planted a tank of the same size with about $15 worth of plants, and although it looked pretty pathetic at first, within 2 months it was completely filled with live plants.

The one disadvantage (from some people's point of view) to buying a small amount of plants and letting them grow is the fact that they'll grow everywhere. I'm not worried about that; I just let my plants fight it out for space.
Yeah actually that's what I was trying to do at first, let a select amount of plants just propagate and fill the tank. But then I got really impatient and decided to spent some extra money to fill in the gaps. I can't wait to see how it looks after a few months, I probably won't be able to see my fish :/
Thanks for the TOTM suggestion, do you think I should submit it?
I'm in the "holding" mode myself with two 33gTall tanks with some new plants. Hopefully they'll look as lovely as yours do in a few months!

Definately I second the TOTM nomination for the first picture! Stunning tank!
That is one beautiful tank! :thumbs: You should be very proud.
It is an awesome tank!!! job well done! That's a TOTY right there! congrats! ;)

I just went on a 3 week trip and came back to a collective 5 or 6 extra feet of anacharis. :) One thing I love about plants is that I can make as much of them as I need to eventually.
6 feet?! whoa, I've had a few inches over grow in my previous tank but not that much. That was the main reason I didn't put them in this tank, the growth is so fast and almost uncontrollable!
konrad05 said:
6 feet?! whoa, I've had a few inches over grow in my previous tank but not that much. That was the main reason I didn't put them in this tank, the growth is so fast and almost uncontrollable!
Not on just one plant. :)

I had a bunch of plants each grow a foot or two... enough to have far more 1-foot plants than I started with if I cut them up.

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