My 55 gal Tank Pirctures

:blink: Wow! Thanks, everyone! :D I don't know about master photographer, rollntider, but I have been pretty blessed by my fish's "poses" lately. I think the only reason I got this camera was to get pics of them! :wub: Gotta love the fish! Snuff, that's a LongNosed Hawkfish. He's really cool because he perches alot on rocks, filters, even my snails! He watches whoever's in the room. His eyes follow them. Also, I want to thank you Sorell for the comment on the health of the fish. I really strive to give the fish the best home possible. I hate loosing any of them, and after all of the time and money I have given to the fish, it's good to have someone acknowledge that, so thanks. :nod:
wow VERY nice tank and fishes!, i'll have to second the nomination of the first picture as well, so cute!!

I love all the fishes you have, fine choices and taste yuo have :nod:.

What lighting are you running to host the anenome?, I want one my self and get a pair of wild clowns or similar to host the anenome. But not sure if it's a good idea to put an anenome in with my lightning. 2 normal tubes, 1 power-glo and 1 marine-glo (atinic) & 2 white T5's all under reflectors.

Keep it up 8)
Spanair, thatnks buddy! The lights I have are Coralife compact 260watt bulbs. There are four bulbs - two uv, 2 actinic, and actually three LED lights for night as well.

However, the anemone you see here was under noral white lights for a month and a half after I got it, including when I took this pic. Your set up should work fine.

When and if you get the clowns and anemone, post some pics! With clowns, it can be hit or miss sometimes as to whether or not they will host an anemone. I just got two more anemones today and I will post them on a seperate post if and when my two other clowns host them.


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Thank you Underwaterfragglerock, I will be going to the lfs at the end of the week when they are getting more stuff in. I already have 2 clowns but I hope they host it. Still I find anenome's very pretty and cool. I just hope they dont move aroudn to much due to my other corals arounds. Not many though. :nod: :D
Yep only thing i'm a bit worried is the anenome randomly chosing to move where he wants (nothing wrong with that) but the other corals in my tank will get sting, anyways will see this friday :nod:.

Keep it up :nod:
Thanks, Silva. Here's another pic of him. Spanair, you have a beautiful tank man, and you wouldn't want those corals hurt. I have two new condy anemones that have minds of their own and one trampled my green star polyps. The rock was even overturned by this anemone. The stars survived, but not before some major tlc and reconstruction of my rock structure. So yeah, those first few days be on teh watch for where the anemome is going. :fun:


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aww thanks Underwaterfragglerock!, I will make sure I keep an eye on it untill it settles down, I sure dont want it to hurt any of my corals :angry:.

I really really like your bleeny, they had brown and red ones at my LFS, but only one brown back then. I bought the red one, hopefully i'll get another one today so they can play chase and flare around the tank. They are SOOOO COOOOOL :wub:. They are very unique in the way they act and swim too.

I hope you dont mind sharing a pic of mine with you :D


  • blenny.JPG
    22.6 KB · Views: 32
WOW, You have an Amazing Tank and Fish.

Nom for all the Pix, or is that oo many noms in 1 thread.

Anyway all your fish are So cool.

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