My 4ft Planted Tank

Nice tank! :good:

Have you ever considered cutting your moss balls in half?

I do this and lay the flat side down and it looks like the moss is growing up from the gravel almost like a carpet. It's a pretty cool look.

Actually I havent thought of that, but thanks to you I have now :) Good idea and it would look pretty cool because i've never seen that before.


Here is a pic of how it looks.


Lovely tank you have there and the moss balls look really interesting that way, what size is your tank?
the tank looks great :hyper: whats the stocking?

Its mine and my mums tank so we have to share stocking!

3 Clowns
1 Ram cichlid ...did have a few more but have to be taken out due to bullying
4 Candy stripe loaches
4 Phantom tetras
1 Ruby Barb
5 Cardinals
2 Dwarf gouramis
2 Danios (like bigger groups i know but some died in my mums old tank)
1 Molly .... < not by my choice, i must admit im a bit of a fish snob :S

We currently run two filters a fluval 205 and an Eheim so water quality is top notch and so is clarity, but i think my stocking is about at its limit.

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