My 4Ft Community Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Dec 5, 2009
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Thought I would post a picture of my 4ft Planted Aquarium, only recently planted as I have just changed it back to community fish after a year of trying out Malawi Cichlids...


Nematobrycon palmeri x 16
Corydoras julii/trilineatus x 4
Synodontis euptera x 2
Hypostomus plecostomus x 1

Anubias heterophylla
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Lilaeopsis mauritiana
Microsorium pteropus
Cyperus helferi
Hygrophila rosae australis

Planning to add some Mopani wood and Java moss soon, along with a pair of Trichogaster leeri and a pair of Pelvicachromis pulcher or Microgeophagus ramirezi.
Nice balanced tank. Think your fishes will be very happy in there :good:
Thanks for all the replies.. Glad you also like it :fun:

The cobbles were expensive, but I was pleased with the result as they make such a nice change to the usual slate.

I had the tank full of them when I had Malawi Cichlids and so have plenty left over since the re-scape, if anyone is local to me and is interested in some... Please let me know as I have a large selection leftover that I'd be happy to let go in exchange for a little donation towards the tank ;)
Thanks for all the replies.. Glad you also like it

The cobbles were expensive, but I was pleased with the result as they make such a nice change to the usual slate.

I had the tank full of them when I had Malawi Cichlids and so have plenty left over since the re-scape, if anyone is local to me and is interested in some... Please let me know as I have a large selection leftover that I'd be happy to let go in exchange for a little donation towards the tank

certainly do!
do you have any photos from when it was Malawi? would love to see them :)
why not place an ad in the classiefieds section.. a lot of people would like rocks/cobbles like that..sadly im too far :(
That is Stunning, very simplistic and eye catching.
Very cool tank. We also recently planted a new (our 1st tank).

Tell me.. what background (if any) do you have in your tank? Looks very striking. Also lighting.. I have one blue tube and one white. What would you suggest as a striking combination?

do you have any photos from when it was Malawi? would love to see them :)

Hmmm, can't seem to find a pic but I do have an early video...

Also just came across this picture from Feb 2006 lol this was the last attempt at a planted tank. :)




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Very cool tank. We also recently planted a new (our 1st tank).

Tell me.. what background (if any) do you have in your tank? Looks very striking. Also lighting.. I have one blue tube and one white. What would you suggest as a striking combination?


The background is really simple! Just 2 Large sheets of Black card from an Art Shop... Stuck on the back of the tank with sellotape. Total cost about £4.50.

For lighting at the moment I have 1 x Life Glo bulb for fish colouration and one Plant Gro bulb for the plants... Although one bulb is going black at the edges so will need to be replaced soon and will do some re-search before replacing with the same. Just incase there are any better suggesstions ;)


="Arial"]Looks great, I love hydrocotyle verticillata I have it in a small tank. The lighting isnt as strong as id like in there and its started to grow a little tall but still looks good.

Hi Lawrence,

We are having a bit of hard time with our community tank.

Our female guppies seems to be dropping off every few days.

I check the water and it seems fine. Weird. Also our Male Golden Molly and the black one also gone.

I was thinking it could be the Guramis, but they seem to very passive..

Perhaps we aren't dilligent enought with the water.. do you think the Malawis are more resiliant?

Thanks in advance

Wow that tank is class!!! Less is definately more. My current tanks usually have loaads of plants, but i really love yours now. I must cut back a bit!

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