My 30 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
I've recently grown tired of my aggressive set up of my 'south american theme', so i decided to go a more peaceful route. Also, a different continent, Asia.
Now, I may not go all out, as I would like to, selecting even live plants and soils from the area, but I do get fish from the areas.

Well, here's my 'SA theme'

this was my first set up for the tank, i consisted of...
1 Black Convict Cichlid
8 Serpae Tetras
2 Rosy Tetras
4 Bronze Cories
and 4 Ottos

And here's my 'Asia theme'

It's clearly a lot different, and I've done quite a bit of research for peaceful community fish.
This tank isn't even close to finished. I am planning on adding some live plants, so the fake plants are currently taking their place. I'm also waiting for a time where I can give the tank my full attention. And a time I can get that hour dive so I can actually get them! lmao
But here's the plan for the set up. I'll put a star by what I already have.
*2 Pearl Gourami
*10 Harlequin Rasbora
6 leopard, zebra or similar sized danio (any opinions?)

But the two below are only if i can not manage to get my hands on any shrimp
3-4 yoyo loach
1-2 Siamese Algae eater

-also, I currently have two red clawed crabs sitting in there, until I manage to get my 10 gallon worked out-
Those plants in the 2nd tank had me fooled... honestly thought they're real, but it's looking good...
Those plants in the 2nd tank had me fooled... honestly thought they're real, but it's looking good...
aha, i know!
i went with the much more expensive fabric plants instead of the plastic ones
i think it paid off, aha
Big difference.

I like the asian theme. Looks better.
yeah, the gravel i had before i thought would look like sand, but instead, when you turned on the light, it blinded you.
this gravel looks a lot more natural, brings out the colour of the fish, and actually, i find, calms you down.
I also enjoy trying to find the crabs, aha, they blend in so well!

Any idea of what other kind of schooling fish i should get?

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