My 30 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Nova Scotia
I've recently grown tired of my aggressive set up of my 'south american theme', so i decided to go a more peaceful route. Also, a different continent, Asia.
Now, I may not go all out, as I would like to, selecting even live plants and soils from the area, but I do get fish from the areas.

Well, here's my 'SA theme'

this was my first set up for the tank, i consisted of...
1 Black Convict Cichlid
8 Serpae Tetras
2 Rosy Tetras
4 Bronze Cories
and 4 Ottos

And here's my 'Asia theme'

It's clearly a lot different, and I've done quite a bit of research for peaceful community fish.
This tank isn't even close to finished. I am planning on adding some live plants, so the fake plants are currently taking their place. I'm also waiting for a time where I can give the tank my full attention. And a time I can get that hour dive so I can actually get them! lmao
But here's the plan for the set up. I'll put a star by what I already have.
*2 Pearl Gourami
*10 Harlequin Rasbora
6 leopard, zebra or similar sized danio (any opinions?)

But the two below are only if i can not manage to get my hands on any shrimp
3-4 yoyo loach
1-2 Siamese Algae eater

-also, I currently have two red clawed crabs sitting in there, until I manage to get my 10 gallon worked out-
Nice direction you are going with this tank... I hope you get your hands on some shrimp! :D
actually, i did find someone who is willing to sell me some shrimp, nice price of $2 each! But, they get huge (about a foot long huge)

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