My 29 Gallon Tank


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
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You can't see a whole lot of fish in there in this picture but there are some 20 white clouds in there plus a swordtail and three corydoras, a zebra danioo and two neon tetras. Close to the stocking limit I would say but some of the white clouds will be moved to breeding tanks as I prep the 125 for a large amount of eventual inhabitants.

You can't see a whole lot of fish in there in this picture but there are some 20 white clouds in there plus a swordtail and three corydoras, a zebra danioo and two neon tetras. Close to the stocking limit I would say but some of the white clouds will be moved to breeding tanks as I prep the 125 for a large amount of eventual inhabitants.


cool :good:
Nah they are plastic ones.

I have a terrible time with real plants in the tank. My "blue thumb" is just not up to that challenge.

But the fact you even asked that makes it good enough for me to continue faking the greenery :rolleyes:
I really like that gravel. Don't think I've seen that color used here before. I dunno.. gives it a bit of an ominous/creepy look.. which I'm totally digging heh.
I really like that gravel. Don't think I've seen that color used here before. I dunno.. gives it a bit of an ominous/creepy look.. which I'm totally digging heh.

Yeah it does have kind of a "night of the living dead ichthyoid" kind of feel hehe....Which I totally dig also!!! It's just a red gravel that is showing its age. When I stir up the bottom it goes back to the bright red color as the algae covered ones get hidden. I try not to do that to much as it messes with the creepy look.

I am thinking of going with odd gravel colors on future know....reds and blacks mixed together, yellows and blues/purples mixed together, greens and oranges, etc etc....but If I am not careful it will look too "1967"....don't want hippie tanks lol
I'm not one for the ornaments that don't closely resemble actual stuff you would see underwater...Gravel is a different story though----I can deal with just about any color gravel. I went through a long period of "completely natural" looking gravel and to be honest I wanted some kind of change of scenery without losing the natural look. My 125 has a sunken ship ornament and a few others but it was a used tank and all ornaments came with it...the ship is huge and that one does look cool so I kept that one. Once the tank is fully cleaned up I will get a pic of it for all of you to see!!

God I hope I don't have to tear all of these down....Got laid off monday and with the economy the way it is....well lets just say they better call me back soon!!!

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