Thank you so much everyone for your wonderful comments!
It's nice to know I did something good for my fishies.
Sasha - When you redo your 29 you have to post pictures! Your tank is beautiful now, I can't wait to see it when you add more rocks and wood!
canarsie11 - Yeah, it looked pretty pitiful back then didn't it?
I was on a pretty tight budget with no job then.
tear-scar - Actually that piece of wood was pretty cheap. I got it from my lfs for $12.99. It's bigger than it looks too, so I figure thats a good price for it.
Now I didn't know that about the foreground plants, but thanks for the idea! I may have to look into getting some of that.
cutecotton - Rocks and wood can do wonders for a tank.
And yes, the Clowns will outgrow the 25 gallon, but this is only a temporary home for them. When I get my 55 set up, they will be going in there, with about four or five new friends.
The thing is, they grow very slowly, so I figured I'd get some (hey, I got a gift certificate for free fish for my birthday, so I got something I've always wanted
). They seem to be doing wonderful in the 25 and I can see some noticable growth on the one, so I guess they aren't unhappy.