My 25 Gallon Tank Has Had A Makeover!

wow!!!! what a big big change! i'ts beatiful, amazing what some wood and rocks will do for your tank :wub:

btw, wouldn't the clown loaches out grow the 25g? i've thought about getting them and i have a 25g myself but i odn't know if they're goign to get too big :S
Thank you so much everyone for your wonderful comments! :wub: It's nice to know I did something good for my fishies. :wub: :D

Sasha - When you redo your 29 you have to post pictures! Your tank is beautiful now, I can't wait to see it when you add more rocks and wood! :wub:

canarsie11 - Yeah, it looked pretty pitiful back then didn't it? :rolleyes: :p I was on a pretty tight budget with no job then. :D

tear-scar - Actually that piece of wood was pretty cheap. I got it from my lfs for $12.99. It's bigger than it looks too, so I figure thats a good price for it. :nod: Now I didn't know that about the foreground plants, but thanks for the idea! I may have to look into getting some of that. :thumbs:

cutecotton - Rocks and wood can do wonders for a tank. :nod: :wub: And yes, the Clowns will outgrow the 25 gallon, but this is only a temporary home for them. When I get my 55 set up, they will be going in there, with about four or five new friends. :wub: The thing is, they grow very slowly, so I figured I'd get some (hey, I got a gift certificate for free fish for my birthday, so I got something I've always wanted :p ). They seem to be doing wonderful in the 25 and I can see some noticable growth on the one, so I guess they aren't unhappy. :rolleyes: :wub:
ohhh i see :D looks like they'll be going to a mansion soon! how big do they get again? it's a shame that i can't put any in my 25g :( you guys mkae them sound so interesting and neat! i like how they like to "play dead" :rolleyes:

anyways, 12.99 is a great price for that wood! wood around here is always way too expensive :S msot of the lfs counts it by pounds...and the wood always seems pretty heavy to me :S
Clowns can get up to 12" or more, so pretty darn big! :p :wub: They really are a joy to have in a tank. They add so much life and fun, and they seriously make me laugh with nearly everything they do. :wub: They get along with my other bottom feeders as well (5 Corys, 2 Yo-yo Loaches, and 2 Bristlenose plecs) and are always stirring up trouble somewhere. I love those little guys. I can't wait to get a nice big school of them. :wub: :wub:

Yeah, all of the lfs around here charge by the pound as well, except for the one. It's great because I don't have to break the bank just to make my tank look a little better. I actually got another piece from the same place, for $'s about half the size of the piece I have in the 25. :nod:
wow! nice :D how big do the bristlenose plecs grow to? are you moving them to your futuer 55g as well?

i'll have to go wood hutning soon..someone here has to sell wood by teh piece!
cutecotton - Bristlenoses stay rather small for plecs. I believe they only get about 6-8 inches. :wub: They will be staying in the 25 for the rest of their lives. I have a baby gibby plec in one of my 10 gallons at the moment who will be going into the 55, as he has the potential to reach 2 feet or more. :nod: :wub:

ScuabaDuba - Thanks! :wub: I would love to have some neons in there, but I believe I've got enough in there as it is. :nod: :p I may think about Neons for one of my 10 gallons though...have to see. ;)
awww... your photobuckets account's bandwidth has been exceded :(
After reading so many great comments please open a new account and repost the pictures so the rest of us can see too :)
Save the pciture to your computer and then upload it, its a mach better and easyer way of posting pictures. I to am also eager too see your tank.
Ok, I forgot I had this stupid little tiny image hoster so I'm using this... Unfortunately I can only show the front of the tank, as the other pics are too large to be uploaded...oh well!

Enjoy! :D


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