My 24g Nano - First Time Posting - Lots Of Pics

well I took back the anemone, skunk, and tang last night - the store gave me a full refund which I am happy about.....Picked up another nice piece of live rock, a fire angel, and another hermit crab. I moved the couple pieces of coral that was in the front onto the live rock and I think it looks pretty good

Ill have some pics soon.......

thnx for the advice - and keep it coming
The fire angel *should* be fine in a 24G, just stock the middle waters of the tank lightly and you will get away with it. You could have a goby or a blenny in there to use up some of the bottom space.

Not familiar with a fire angel. A few fish that would do great in your tank include:
-true percs, ocellaris
-many blennies
-small gobies
-yellowtail damsels

Try and stay away from fish that will reach more than or equal to 5 inches unless they are the only fish. SH
Nice tank!
Good on you for taking the anemone and fish back :)
Flame angels are beautiful fish but i've had a number of stories about them picking at corals so be careful :)
Nice tank!
Good on you for taking the anemone and fish back :)
Flame angels are beautiful fish but i've had a number of stories about them picking at corals so be careful :)

Thanks!! I'll definitely keep an eye on him......

As per the article in the link you posted,

The Flame Angel should be kept in a tank of 50 gallons or larger...

You may have a problem there.

I don't think you are going to find anything anywhere thats going to suggest keeping a fish in a 24gal tank..........I think he'll be just fine
Depends what you plan on feeding. If it is satisfied with the diet you are providing for it then it shouldnt pick at corals.

All i'd like to add is: don't add any other Dwarf all.......ever

Flame Angels are very agressive towards other angels if added to the tank first, they are very territorial and will not tolerate another angel in there (or even anything resembling an angel)

As long as you stock lightly and keep him well fed he should do fine. He will pick at polyps on the occasion but most Dwarf Angels do this, even my Coral Beauty does.
I agree, I think he will do fine with a varied diet. Also since most polyps are single living organisms if he does kill one, it will usually not affect the whole colony.
so last night I noticed a weird centipede looking thing coming out of one of the pieces of live rock and have no idea what it actually looks like the arm of a brittle star fish, but Im really not sure since I didn't get to see the whole thing it kept coming in and out of a tiny little slit in the rock and it never fully came out - sorry I dont have pics I will try and get some tomorrow but if anybody has any ideas on what this could be Id sure love to find out
Sounds like a bristle worm....dont touch it with your fingers. SH

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