My 24g Nano - First Time Posting - Lots Of Pics


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Jan 9, 2006
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Ive had my nano cube for about 2 months now and its coming along rather nicely. I just put the anemone in yesterday and had a little suprise!! The sneaky little skunk clown wasn't supposed to be part of the purchase and I didn't even notice him until I started acclimating the anemone. Now I think I have one too many fish in the tank and can't decied which to get rid of. I just got the tang also and I know he is going to eventually get too big for the tank, but the guy at the store said he should be good for about a year and when he gets too big, They will buy him back for $5 less then what I paid.

here's some pics!! comments and suggestions are always welcome!!





couple pieces of coral

cleaner shrimp





best shot I could get of the hermit crab

few shots of different coral






small blue leg hermits

Ive had my nano cube for about 2 months now and its coming along rather nicely. I just put the anemone in yesterday and had a little suprise!! The sneaky little skunk clown wasn't supposed to be part of the purchase and I didn't even notice him until I started acclimating the anemone. Now I think I have one too many fish in the tank and can't decied which to get rid of. I just got the tang also and I know he is going to eventually get too big for the tank, but the guy at the store said he should be good for about a year and when he gets too big, They will buy him back for $5 less then what I paid.

here's some pics!! comments and suggestions are always welcome!!





couple pieces of coral

cleaner shrimp





best shot I could get of the hermit crab

few shots of different coral






small blue leg hermits

What do you have in your filter and what kind of heater is that? Because I am begining a 12 gal nano myself and I am fairly new to this.
What do you have in your filter and what kind of heater is that? Because I am begining a 12 gal nano myself and I am fairly new to this.

the heater is made by hydor and its called theo, the nano cubes come with a filter system built in as well as lights

A yellow tang in a 24Gallon tank? WHY!!!!!!!....

dont worry he's going back to the store.......probably going to get a flame angel instead

1) agree with bunjiweb, you shouldn't have a tang in there

2) if your tank is not a 2006 Nano Cube, I would get that live rock off the glass. The pre-2006 nano cubes were made with thin glass and the asymmetric weight may cause you grief if it cracks under stress. If it is the 2006 model, I would still get it off the restricts flow and you'll regret it when the coralline algae covers the glass and obstructs your view by preventing you from removing it.

3) Caulastrea usually don't go on the substrate

4) if you have the stock lighting, that anemone is doomed

5) your water level is too low


1) agree with bunjiweb, you shouldn't have a tang in there

2) if your tank is not a 2006 Nano Cube, I would get that live rock off the glass. The pre-2006 nano cubes were made with thin glass and the asymmetric weight may cause you grief if it cracks under stress. If it is the 2006 model, I would still get it off the restricts flow and you'll regret it when the coralline algae covers the glass and obstructs your view by preventing you from removing it.

3) Caulastrea usually don't go on the substrate

4) if you have the stock lighting, that anemone is doomed

5) your water level is too low


thanks for the info :D

Ill be sure to get that stuff taken care of - I just put the anemone in and used my tank water to acclimate it and was sure not to mix the bag water back in, so I lost some water in the process - and took the pics before re-mixing more water

but what do you suggest for improving the lighting??
Upgrading nano cube lighting requires a bit of have to rewire it and add a bank of lights. The stock lighting in a nano cube, 24G is 72 watts or about 3 watts per gallon, usually insufficient to support an anemone. Some people add another bank of 36 watts bringing the total to 108. Is your tank a 2006? The 2006 comes with a serial number and a surface skimmer for the intake grate.

Didn't mean to come off as mean or haughty...just trying to help. Seriously tho', it would probably be humane to return the tang. M only other question is why you just the substrate you it crushed coral? SH
Upgrading nano cube lighting requires a bit of have to rewire it and add a bank of lights. The stock lighting in a nano cube, 24G is 72 watts or about 3 watts per gallon, usually insufficient to support an anemone. Some people add another bank of 36 watts bringing the total to 108. Is your tank a 2006? The 2006 comes with a serial number and a surface skimmer for the intake grate.

Didn't mean to come off as mean or haughty...just trying to help. Seriously tho', it would probably be humane to return the tang. M only other question is why you just the substrate you it crushed coral? SH

I don't mind one bit - I do want to do this right and I am still learning so any and all help is greatly appreciated whether it haughty or not:D

I do plan on taking the tang back, the guy at the lfs talked me into getting him, said he'd be fine until he got bigger, but as Im finding out - thats not the case. I would however like to keep the anemone so if I can get the tank set up to do that, thats what Id like to do. The tank was built in either oct. or nov. of 05, cant look right now cause Im at work but I know it was one of the two. it is just crushed coral.........should there be something else??
If it's crushed coral, it may not work well with certain animals that prefer a soft substrate. Also, crushed coral can trap material, keeping it in the substrate instead of in the water column for removal with water changes. It's a project, but, you might want to consider slowly exchanging it for aragonite sand. SH
Hi Guys, This is my first post! Nano24g like your tank, looking to get a anemone myself. ive got a few corals at the moment and ive got them under t5 power compacts 2 55watt units and they are doing excellent everything is happy!! my nano is 16 Gallon... will post a few pics!
I caution anyone about putting anemones in a nano tank.....I would NOT recommend it. SH
I've certainly read a lot more accounts of anenomes nuking peoples' tank than I have success stories.

Come to think of it I'm not sure I've read ANY long term success stories...
I've certainly read a lot more accounts of anenomes nuking peoples' tank than I have success stories.

Come to think of it I'm not sure I've read ANY long term success stories...

The words 'Long term' and 'Anenome' do not go together.............ever

The average Anenome lives for a maximum of 3 years in an aquarium, compare this to anything upto (no-one really knows) 100 years in the wild........says it all.

If you're after an alternative for your clowns to live in try a long tentacled sacrophyton, they love them :D

And as a side note.......When you take the Tang back I would take the clown in the anenome (can't tell if it's a pink skunk or a tomato)as well. You already have two ocellaris (could be percs) and they will be bullied by the other one, you'll have more chance of the two ocellaris pairing up and housing together without the other one in the tank.

I have an anemone under 2 65 watt bulbs 10,000 K and Acntic. I am worried about it because it does not seem to be doing very good. I made a mistake about buying one because it would be cool. Now I kind of regret buying one, but I do not know what I can do with it now.

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