My 200L Journal

it's 6 months to a year. You then supposed to get the JBL 7 + 13 Root Fertiliser Balls, this then adds back to the aquabasis.

Oh. In that case my Aquabasis is pretty much exhausted :lol:

Edit - knew I'd read it somewhere...
3rd April 2011

Got some new pictures today so time for an update. I did a bit more trimming yesterday during the water change.


Some of the larger Java Fern leaves were removed. They looked a bit 'dark' and unhealthy so not sure what happened there.


Not got round to trimming the Christmas Moss yet.


I love this Crypt Undulata. I think the dark leaves look great, would really like more of them.


The Hairgrass runners seem to reach a certain length and then keel over.


More Hairgrass runners coming through.


Hygro Difformis as bright as ever.


Full tank shot (from an angle as the sun was making some bad reflections).

Despite what I said a few posts up I'm considering trying a different plant instead of the Difformis. I just fancy a bit of a change, maybe something with a bit of red in it if anyone has any suggestions? The change will probably come when I move house. Yes, the missus and myself have decided it's time to move and it will probably be happening quite soon, like within the next month or two :crazy:. Moving the two tanks and all the fish is going to be loads of fun I'm sure.

Almost forgot, a new vid from today...

Cheers for comments/suggestions/abuse :good:
Personally I would keep the hygro because of its leaf shape (very different from the rest) and look for a reddish plant to be placed on the right hand side. I love the alternanthera, but if you want something less demanding, try the c. wendtti red, it looks quite similar to your undulata.
17th April 2011

Nothing has changed recently, latest full tank shot:


I really need to trim that moss.
I love this tank

Would really like to know how you've done this as i am going to make a low tech tank :)
good find on the JBL website! I'm sure i have read that aquabasis last 6 months to a year. Anyways, the tank looks great mate! Gis a shout when you trim that moss ;)
I love this tank

Would really like to know how you've done this as i am going to make a low tech tank :)

Cheers Amy, I've not done anything out of the ordinary. I keep on top of the maintenance but that's about it.

good find on the JBL website! I'm sure i have read that aquabasis last 6 months to a year. Anyways, the tank looks great mate! Gis a shout when you trim that moss ;)

Cheers Ian, you'll be first refusal on the moss. Have you seen my moss tank? I've added pics in the photo's section, would appreciate your comments :good:
It is only now that I noticed that you also keep congo tetras in that tank. Love that fish, and your plants look lush as ever...

Cheers Biulu, the Congos are great and go really with the Rainbows (unless you're doing a biotope :) )
Hey James, just wondering what kind of angle you have your powerhead at? I have mine pointing upwards at an angle to reduce the impact on the tank because my rainbowfish didn't seem to appreciate it and my plants were flying around but lately the BBA algae is coming back and I notice I don't have great flow in the corner.

May have to buy an SAE or Garra.

PS, how do you like you SAE?
Hey James, just wondering what kind of angle you have your powerhead at? I have mine pointing upwards at an angle to reduce the impact on the tank because my rainbowfish didn't seem to appreciate it and my plants were flying around but lately the BBA algae is coming back and I notice I don't have great flow in the corner.

May have to buy an SAE or Garra.

PS, how do you like you SAE?

I have mine back left corner pointing right in to the centre of the tank (so pointing down slightly too). I think Rainbows like the flow to be honest. My SAE is great, really nice, peaceful fish and hardworking too.
Thanks James. I had a bit of a clean in the tank today and adjusted the powerhead. Will see how it goes.

The SAE in your video does look very nice, shame it seems hard to find them. Must say that Hygro Difformis is great, may consider that for my left side which I am not happy with.

Do you keep your powerhead on 24/7?

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