My 20 Gallon Long Tank


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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the setup now is a little different...the decor is the same stuff except the plant on the left

the plant on the left is now out. the standing driftwood is all the way to the right (a little further right then the tall green plant in this pic), the laying down driftwood is on the right, and the tall green plant is in the middle. the powerhead is also on the left wall not the back wall

ok, the piranha will need about 75 gallon +? and maybe more of them to spread out agression, they will get too big for a 20 gallong.

The tanks very nice though.
ok, the piranha will need about 75 gallon +? and maybe more of them to spread out agression, they will get too big for a 20 gallong.

The tanks very nice though.

yea im trying to sell them actually
Nice tank. Very nice fish. The piranha is gr8 but do need a larger tank.
Nice tank. Very nice fish. The piranha is gr8 but do need a larger tank.

yea usually red bellies are better in 3s anyway (another reason im selling them) and 3 need about a 75G.

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