My 2 New Albino Sterbai


Scorched Earth
Jan 11, 2006
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We picked 2 of these gorgeous guys up last Monday and they've settled right into our community tank with their regular Sterbai friends. They are SO active and do nothing but swim up and down, entertaining the entire tank. They've even got all the other cories active again. We are very pleased with them.





They love the camera, so I was lucky enough to get some gorgeous shots of them.

Beautiful fish, Sterbai are great little corys!! Oh also great quality pictures you have taken :good:
Those are the first Albino sterbai I've seen. So cute with the little gold side fins. :wub:
They are just gooooooorgeous Carmen! :hyper: :wub: :good:
Thanks all. They cost quite a bit, but are really gorgeous. I've ordered some off CorysRusUk, so will have 4 soon.

:wub: You lucky d**! I wish I can find them locally, then pick few and let them join with my regulars.
I have young regular Sterbais that start to be more frisky than before. I see the male(since he try to position himself in front of the other fish) try to form T. But there is no taker yet. So no eggs. Beside I don't see any typical big wide female yet. I have been feeding well but I guess I should feed more and more water change. Also I better find the place to set their own tank. As right now, they are with some Diamond Tetras and Hatchet fish. I also need to set the breeding tank for Diamonds since the female is round with pinkish tummy.
Anyway, those are nice looking Albino. I envy you. :wub:
Thanks again all. I'd not seen them before. I think there was an albino Sterbai at one of our LFS's once, but it wasn't in good condition, so I couldn't be certain. When we saw these guys, we did nothing but go on about them. We really HAD to have them.

GORGEOUS pics Frank. As always, impressive.


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