My 1st Corys


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Thanks to Frank for nagging me into a new camera, I have the first decent pic of one of my first 2 Corys.

Anyone want to contribute a species name? I will add some pics later after I run errands.

"Hey! I'm a shy guy/gal!"
Looks a little like my Julii's but clearly some differences. Sterbai/schwartz Cory?
My first guess was C. leucomelas. I did get some wild caught C. leucomelas. But they are much larger and do look different. On the other hand, C. leucomelas has broad variations. It also is so common in the aquarium I am told that it could be a hybrid I suppose.

I bought a pair when I stocked my first tank an Eclipse 12 (12 usg). These two have survived ich, a terrible plague of resistant columnaris and several bad tank conditions that took out many others. These, a common goldie and a Clown loach are the known survivors of that tank. Hardy little critters.

They were my first reseach when I joined TFF. I got sent to Inch and she sent me to PlanetCatfish to look for myself. All the pics I could get were a blur, even when they sat still. LOL

C. leucomelas
and here
What do you think?
Looks the same to me, but we both know I think a lot of them look the same. :lol:
No, definately not sterbai or julii.

The only schwartzi I have are the Super Schwartzi, which are not true schwartzi, most likely.

First these are only a bit over 2". They also do not have the light colored dorsal ray. They are much smaller than my pulchers which are schwartzi like. Schwartzi are said to be closer to 2.8". These guys are more like randomly dotted also, rather than the lines in rows or squiggles--except for the tail.

Good try. If they are not C. leucomelas then they are one of the less usual Corys. They were purchased in a s local lps. which makes that less likely. It was my understanding at the time that they got them occasionally (although I never saw them again), so they are either easily found in the wild or easily aquarium bred most likely.
Yes, mine were sold to me at my lps as C. punctatus also. Which they clearly are not. But that is no surprise. They just paste any old name on. The C. paleatus/peppers, were sold as spotted Corys. LOL

Now I have to get pics of the ones I bought as C. leucomelas and see if they are indeed C. leucomelas.
Thank you, ICEEGRL, from the little guys too.

You are right about the no spots, luketendo. Skunk Corys actually look like a skunk in color and marking: white with two black lines running the length of their backs. Well a skunk's coloring in reverse. LOL

Corydoras arcuatus/skunk Cory

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