My 1st 80 Litre Planted Tank


New Member
Jun 4, 2007
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Hi all.
I started a similar thread in the wrong section so Im hoping this one is right!!
I have an 80 litre tank with 3 18w fluroecents under the hood. Its a modifyed Rekord 80 hood. Im running co2 (from german ebayer) and add seachem flourish.
I had a few problems with cloudy water then green water but now everything is great and crystal clear. I removed the internal filter and now run a Eheim 2215 external. I have quite a few plants in here but it all needs establishing then rearranging. Ive also just had my firsgt attempt at tying ricca and java moss to slate which looks ok it not a little thinly spread. ut the ricca does pearl through the day.
I have 3 angels (young ones) 10 neons and a few platys although there are fry in the tank and I want to avoid overstocking!
Im having a few issues with brown hair algae on the filter outlet pipe and also covering some plants. I have some chery shrimp on their way so I hope that should reduce the outbreak!!
Ill get round to adding some pics as the tank looks a little neater. Any comments greatly appreciated....Good and bad! :unsure:
sounds nice am battling algee myself well my blackmoor is he rather likes to bump his head on it then swim away then do it again hes a daft lil thing is your algee gone yet as i noticed that you posted this topic in july? an if it is how did you get reid of it?

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