My 100g Cichlid Community :)

Yeah than can be,I just read a thread about them killing a Green Terror! lol

They are definitley not tolerant of other Geos or similar fish,I had to rehome my Hecklii (threadfin Acara) becasue my pearl was giving him a kick in!

Looks like my new 'blue Acara' is the same as my old onee on closer it from a different shop to!

the newbie

My old one


Good news: my Step Father has just bought me a Festivum :) :)

Heres a better pic of my Rainbow Cichlid

Actually second glance the new one has a gold line on his fins so looks like He is a Blue Acara.

Very similar fish looks wise litrally the difference is this new guy is bluer and has a gold tip to his fin wheras my old one is greener and has a silver fin tip
Very nice looking tank. Your Brasiliensis is stunning already. The new fish looks to be a Blue Acara to me. I have always thought that festivum and Severum work well together and kinda compliment each other.
Thanks guys,turns out my stepfather bought me 2x Festivums :) bonus! :p
New tank shots

My new Festivums




My Blue and Green Acara (these 2 love each other!)






Some randoms messing with the macro option on my cam..well pleased with the results!






In the process of rehoming my Gourami and my Gibbi Plec (hes gonna get to big)

Planning on getting a small group of bristlenoses once I have cured the white spot that my Severum brought in with it.
Got a Bristlenose today and offloaded the Plec and Gourami...pretty much set on stocking now.
Lovely tank and fish :drool: :good:
You should make a few more cave areas, meeki might just feel as he has nowhere to retreat to, and so is acting like a biatch :lol:
I got rid of the fkr a week or 2 ago along with the ugly green Severum :p lol he was to much my stocking now is

3 x Severum
1 x Festivum
2 x Blue Acara
1 x Pearl Eartheater
2 x Angel Fish
6 x rainbowfish
3 x Clown Loach
1 x Bristlenose Plec

May rehome the Angels and the Latifron at some point when stuff is near fully grown,i'm just going to watch it and see.

As far as i know my Severums are 2 x female (the Rotkeil and Red Spotted) and 1 x male (the big gold) So on the look out for agression in the future.

Hopefully my tank will be a lot less messy now my Gibbiceps Plec has been rehomed,that guy was cool but he used to have a permanent turd hanging out his behind twice the length of his body! lol

I have just been thinking and i dont think I have lost a fish via death for a couple of years now...the last natural was my Jewel Cichlid about 2 years ago,the last unatural was my Male Kribensis which my Firemouth shredded recentley.All is going good :)

I have been keeping fish for ten years but always had those tiems where fish would drop for no apparent reason etc....looks like i have finally got the knack :)
Gonna end this thread here and make a new one once I finished what i'm doing,the tank is kinda different now after rehoming stuff etc so will make a new thread when im finished.

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