Mustard Gas Deltas

:) Thanks!

I'm amazed at how clear the first pic came out :nod: Oddly enough, I took it in the dark :huh:

Here's a nearly 1 month old CT, I took this one last night too. The spawns both look so different. Everybody in the CT tank is moving to a grow out tank either tonight or tomorrow (4th festivities pending,not sure what time I'll be home) I'm a little nervous about moving them but 80+ baby fish in a 5 gallon is pretty packed :S


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Wow... I can't believe you caught one doing the yawn. That must have taken forever.

My spawn is 2.5 weeks old and they don't have any of their fins yet... crazy.
Awwww! :wub: The fry are adorable, Kelly. Showing a lot of potential already :nod:

Can't wait to see some more pics of them! ;) :hyper:
Are they really called "Mustard Gas"? Seems odd that someone would name a fish are a nasty anti-personnel weapon.
Lateral Line said:
Are they really called "Mustard Gas"? Seems odd that someone would name a fish are a nasty anti-personnel weapon.
Yes, mustard gas bettas tend to have blue or green bodies with golden finnage :)

Thanks you guys!! I can't wait for them to grow a bit more :kana:

endparenthisis~ it was just a lucky shot, I was kinda shocked when I saw it too :lol: 2.5 weeks and no finnage huh, :unsure: Mine usually start sprouting at 1.5 weeks, do yours have ventrals yet?

thanks cc(s) & synastic :wub:
Kelly said:
endparenthisis~ it was just a lucky shot, I was kinda shocked when I saw it too :lol: 2.5 weeks and no finnage huh, :unsure: Mine usually start sprouting at 1.5 weeks, do yours have ventrals yet?
I see tail fins, the beginnings of ventrals, and maybe the beginnings of anal fins. Maybe I need to get more extreme with the water changes to get those growth inhibitors out of there. I was going to start giving them bigger food this week... maybe I should wait on that in this case.
water changes could be the key :thumbs: I do 50% daily's but that's because they're in small breeding tanks.
they are soo cute kelly ;) just wondering what type of camera you use? the pics are awesome ;)
endparenthesis said:
Maybe I need to get more extreme with the water changes to get those growth inhibitors out of there.
I have heard of this before on message forums , but I havent found anything written up on this other than some website that some person made. Does anyone know where I can find this info done by a college/university?
I am interested, because one theory is , the hormone is excreted through poo, the other is it excretes through the gills. I would love more info on this.
The reason I doubt this to be true ( Iheard an argument for this and it made sence)is the inhibitor would also affect the fish giving this off. And an animal would not produce something to stunt its own growth, because it is trying to become, bigger stronger faster (thus the reason for giving it off in the fisrt place). If it were true the animal would have to be imune from its own inhibitor. So would there then be an inhibitor gene that inhibits all fish except its own DNA? But then all of its siblings I would assume have the same DNA and is then rendered useless?
Thanks any info appreciatted
I see what you're saying,rolln. They most certainly would have the same dna, so what makes one fish unaffected?, more than likely immune to their own inhibitor.I'll search around and see if I can find some answers :)

bkk~ I'm using a Sony CyberShot 3.2, I got it on clearence for less than 150 with a memory card, batteries and a charger :thumbs: , I'm still figuring out all the features, the zoom is incredible :hey:
awsome bettas kelly!

how many u got?

o ye can we plz have some pics of the parents?
My understanding is that the "inhibitor" that you speak of is a pheromone. I have not yet found any articles done by a college on this pheromone. All creatures emit pheromones even humans :hey: . They are generally picked up through smell, which is why they wouldn't affect the one giving them off (like the people who can't smell their own stink :sick: ). The fish are seeking to establish dominance :flex: . This is widely known to be an occurence with lots of fish not just bettas. I have experienced it raising Cichlid fry and in my research about it found discussions by all types of fish keepers on it. The article Kelly shared in the betta forum about leaving the fry with the father helped illustrate this point. If you remember the juveniles did not really develop finnage and color very well until removed from the father(he was releasing pheromones). Some speculate the pheromones build up in fish waste, others believe they are emitted through the gills, still others believe that they are manufactured and released through skin cells, I have not heard one thing definitively. Fish use pheromones for lots of other things as well. I did some googleing and found a bunch of interesting articles here are a couple...

alarm pheromones

pheromone functions

Sorry didnt mean to hijack your thread from the little cutie pies! :wub:

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