Musicians..... What Are You Doing Atm

I play piano and guitar :) 11 years and 5 years. I'm doing the grade 5 pieces for guitar atm, and I only did 1 piano grade, but I do a few concerts or recitals a year, lol! I should practice more :S
I play guitar in a chamber group with another guitarist, a celloist (he's 6, lol, but really good!!) and 2 flute players. We do a couple of pieces a year for our tutors recital and a local competition.
So not that much really, it's just a small hobby :)
I have been working on a few songs...I attempt to play the guitar but I guess I am more of a vocalist than I am anything else. I am not saying I am any good, but I'm better at it than my guitar. I only use a drum machine because I can't afford anything else. You can check out my stuff HERE All comments appreciated. If you have a myspace you can add me if ya like. Anyway, let me know what you think.

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