Musical Tanks


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
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Sacramento (City of the Governator)
My main tank is 29 U.S. gallons. It has been looking remarkably healthy for months, and it doesn't even get cleaned as much as some of my other tanks. I think that means I basically have a good comunity going, but I did have 1 tiny little dead fish from that tank last night. He was basically an Endler's livebearer, by appearance, but genetically it has to be at least half guppy, I think. Anyway, he was a cute little guy hanging out in the weeds begging and searching for food with his fellows, but maybe not quite as energetic as most of the others like him. Then I noticed 1 eye was swollen and protruding. As soon as I started wondering what would be the best thing to do about that, I noticed he was loking slightly pineconish, so I removed him to a critter keeper, where he spent his last hour or 2 alone. I have only had 1 guppy come back to join the comunity after swimming as crooked and upsidedown as he was when I got him out, and I would have tried meds if he looked better instead of worse after dinner, but I don't think it would have worked. The last sick fish I had was Sunny the betta, who presented with similar symptoms from the same tank a couple of months back and he never recovered either, but he hung in there for a few weeks. Nobody else looks sick, so I'm hoping the rest of the tank doesn't need meds or something now.
Before I even got my tiny gupler out, I noticed that there were cory eggs in there again. I could just leave them and see how many make it on their own, but I think more would survive if I can transfer them to my fry tank, which is currently ocupied by about 80 spotted babies just big enough to eat new hatchlings and just small enough to be eaten by almost anything else. So I was thinking I could put them in T2, which is my only remaining 10gallon guppy tank, since I moved the rest of the guppies to the comunity to make room for some rescued goldfish. Now I have at least twice as many guppy fry in the comunity as in the suposed guppy breeding tank, and I had already been thinking, "well ,why not just add the rest of the gups to the comunity? They breed just as well there." I think I will, but with that 1 litle sicky, I wonder if they're just on the verge of an outbreak, and it might not be such great timing, but then there were the cory eggs. The other thing is, I haven't gotten around to plugging in the heater on my comunity for the winter, and considering how well they've been doing up until that 1 little sick fish last night, mom was wondering if suddenly jumping from around 60 to almost 80 might not be a good thing either. One thing I don't see any potential problems with so far, is switching hoods around. Both of the older tanks that were originally for guppy breeding have incandescent lightbulbs, which help to warm them up, while the (same size) 10g fry tank upstairs where it tends to stay warmer anyway happens to have a cooler flourescent light. I could at least give the flourecsent hood to the 3 small feeder goldfish until I get something big enough to share with my 2 bigger goldfish in the 20g, and keep all the young cory fry under relatively warm lights (in 2 tanks), with all other tropicals combined in the comunity. Probably YOYO is the only thing that might be more likely to eat fry than their own parents, and that's not considering that they spend their time hiding at the top in a dense thicket of plants, while he dissapears for days at a time under the rocks.
It looks like I've got work to do. I just hope It all works out. I'll probably plug in the comunity heater after I get everybody moved around and just hope whatever got that 1 doesn't attack anybody else.

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