Mushrooms, Do I Need To Test For Alkalinity+copper


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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I know mushrooms are hardy and great for beginners but I was wondering whether I need to be testing for copper and alkalinity or not. My lfs has a really nice striped mushroom that I really like but am not able to go to the SW store to pick up the test kits for awhile. I'm wondering if I need them or will the mushrooms be ok for awhile. It's just the mushrooms and some inverts that will be in the tank. There are two other corals of some sort that came with the rock that are doing fine so I think my levels are fine but don't know.

Thanks :good:
If you're doing regular water changes, you should be just fine with chemistry without testing/dosing.
You can step on mushrooms...hit 'em with a lightsaber....blast 'em with a Gatling gun...and they will survive almost anything. Regular water changes and regular 'routine' param testing is enough. SH
Thanks, good to know. Knew they were hardy but wasn't sure :good: Ended up running to my lfs and talked to my friend and he gave me the striped mushrooms for 23$ which was a good price. Got about 9 large one's and numerous tiny one's varying in color from redish brownish with light blue stripes to blueish redish with light blue stripes. Came on at least a 2-3lb rock, had a hard time fitting it in. I'm fine with my water changes though I might have to pull out an old lightsaber and try that :shifty:
Yeah, those things can survive thermonuclear attack... Just remember, green stripe mushrooms (Actinodiscus sp.) are a fairly aggressive coral and will sting tank mates if they bump into them. I've seen them live peacefully next to leathers, colts, kenya trees, and other large softies, but I've also seen them sting and kill brain corals, bubble corals, and open brains. And I've seen them killed by frogspawns, hammers, torches, and my elegance coral.
hmm ok i'll post a picture of them and provide a link here but I think there blue. What I'd like to do is have them grow on another piece of my LR, sell that LR and keep doing that and just stick with these.

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