Mushroom Coral (not Sure If This Is The Right Place 4 It)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
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ello all

yes me again iv got a mushroom coral

but i have a problem 1 of them the polups come out then go in then a few stay out etc ... iv tested the water and its all fine the salt level a little low but not to much to worry about

i done a water change sunday and i get my water from a shop i usally get salt + minrals with the water but the lad give me jus salt with NO minrals as he said the salt already had them in, is this a coincidence this has happend or becuse theres no minrals??

the other1 with it is fine.. i done it sun and this startd todays ago

any help tips greatly recived thanks matt
Are we talking mushroom as in Actinodiscus species, or the larger Sarcophyton?
Usually salts come with the most minerals in them so if someone adds extra stuff it maybe strontium or iodine. But as for the mushroom don't worry about it the could have caught some food and was eating or its just doiing its own thing I don't know but don't worry I'm pretty sure its no big deal.
ello all

heres a pic as u can see 1 of the mushrooms is bear its been like this now with no polups out for 2-3days its also bent over and looks lifeless

Oh, thats no big deal. The second one looks as though it's preparing to shed. A normal process especially when the coral is new to your tank.
ello all

ok cool i'll keep an eye on it its been in the tank a few months thats y i was worryed cuz its been lovely all opend etc
now its closed i dident know that thay closed to shead, how long dose the proccess take? as u can see 1 of the mushrooms (the base) is white and the other a the normal brown/orange

thanks for your help
While I know that frilly mushrooms are available I must admit that what is shown in the picture is a leather toadstool. Anymore pictures available to be sure??


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