Murphy's Law

Sorry but your tank IS a bit overstocked.... it doesnt matter how much research you've done because its obviously overstocked for a 20Gallon with just an Undergravel filter.

And yes, it could easily lead to the water turning milky, its whats usually a "Bacteria Crash" You get a high Ammonia reading, your bacteria trys to cope, can't and crashes then blooms, turning the water milky.... at least this is how i understand it to happen.

If you are positive it wasn't down to overstocking then have you contemplated that maybe your cat decided to take a pee in the tank? Thus causing high ammonia levels and again, crashing your bacteria?

I do suggest though you take peoples advice as well as your own ideas, move the betta out and the ADFs (You can get a 5-10Gallon tank and house them all together easily). Then your tank should be OK with good maintanence.

yes the betta's and the adfs along with maybe some white clouds would be nice in a ten gallon. What do you guys think?
eudielynn said:
Thanks again abstract. I'll be filter shopping over the weekend. Was really hoping to get another small tank and another betta, but I need to get these issues resolved first. Don't think my fish will mind the current. The current now is quite strong.

Appreciate the help :D
no prob, let us know how it works out for you
abstract said:
sure i would recommend [...] a Marineland Penguin with a biowheel [...]
I second that! I've got a couple of those and they get the job done :nod:
Gosh, I wish you guys had been around when I was asking the questions before.
At least I had no more casualties last night and everyone seemed back to normal this morning. Water was clear as well.

Anyway, since another tank is not an option at home I am going to get a 2.5 gal minibow for the office and divide it to put the betta I have there now in with the one in the 20 gal. This will free up the 1 gal I have the office betta in now and I can put the ADF's in it. I will also do away with the undergravel filter and see what I can get to replace it. I have made notes of abstracts suggestions to take with me when I shop.

Question: I am now down to two otos. I know they should be in groups of four or more. Do I replace them when I get my tank back to normal, or do I leave just the two of them to keep from overstocking again?
wait for the tank to recycle and then buy 2 more...otos don't produce much waste and IMO they will do more good for the tank than bad at that, by then, if you get a filter with 150 gph or so it will DEF. be able to sustain your stocking levels better than the UGF did..
:) Thanks again. I want to do what's best for my guys and didn't want to take the chance of this happening to anymore fish if I could help it.
Hi eudielynn :)

The best prices I've found on AquaClear filters (IMHO, the best for heavy duty bacterial and mechanical filtration) is at PetsMart.

I've paid less for them by mail order, even with shipping charges, than I can get them anywhere locally. I've also heard that if you print out the web page and bring it to the store they will give it to you for that price, not the higher store price.

As for the otos, don't feel like you must replace them right away. They are often hard to find and even if you do find some, it would be best to pass them by unless they are clearly in excellent health and have nice round tummies. It will be worth the wait in the long run. :D
Thanks Inchworm. I was planning on going to Petsmart this weekend (nearest one is about a 40 mile trip) to get a divided minibow for my bettas. I will print the page out and take it with me.

I am going to wait on the otos for a little while at least until I get the tank straightened out. I don't want to loose anymore if I can keep from it. :)

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