Mum's Albino Cory With Only Two Barbels?


Jun 24, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
Ok, this is in my mum's tank, 34L with heavy planting, a log to hide in, 27C, mature tank, 8 cardinals, three corys and a snail. The corys (albino anaeus) have been laying eggs all over the place (think they are fertile, they are brownish, no fungus).
Now mum says that the main egglayer has suddenly (as in since this morning,) only two barbels, the longest two that point in a wide 'V' down from top lip. All her others have six.
The substrate is small diameter rounded gravel and river sand.
I had a look at her and can see no sign of injury, redness, or even spots where the barbels should have been. Her behaviour is normal. All other fish in the tank behave normally. Mum is concerned that she won't be able to eat, although she is trying to eat, mum can't see if she's effective or not.
Can post pics tomorrow, battery is charging tonight.
Any advice?
Ok, this is in my mum's tank, 34L with heavy planting, a log to hide in, 27C, mature tank, 8 cardinals, three corys and a snail. The corys (albino anaeus) have been laying eggs all over the place (think they are fertile, they are brownish, no fungus).
Now mum says that the main egglayer has suddenly (as in since this morning,) only two barbels, the longest two that point in a wide 'V' down from top lip. All her others have six.
The substrate is small diameter rounded gravel and river sand.
I had a look at her and can see no sign of injury, redness, or even spots where the barbels should have been. Her behaviour is normal. All other fish in the tank behave normally. Mum is concerned that she won't be able to eat, although she is trying to eat, mum can't see if she's effective or not.
Can post pics tomorrow, battery is charging tonight.
Any advice?
Yep. Don't worry about it. Although Corys use their barbels to aid in their search for food, they can live a perfectly normal life with no barbels, at all. They will find food with no problem through their natural foraging activities and/or by following the herd. Barbel loss is generally associated with poor water conditions or a bacterial infection, although inappropriate substrate is another leading cause. Tell mum not to worry. Her Cory will live a normal life. - Frank

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