Multiplying Red Crabs...


New Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Ok, so ive got a tropical setup and bought 2 red crabs over 2 months ago. Just over a month ago one died, and i flushed it.....1 crab left. A friend then pointed out to me that i still had 2 which i was a bit freaked out by. I flushed another dead crab last week and again though i was back down to one but just looking at my tank and bang they we go back to 2 again. How do crabs reproduce? cheears
im telling you they are definately not getting back out of the toilet! any ideas anyone???????? :S
attack of the mutant crabs RUNNNNNNN!!! lol

now being serious i dnt no this but do crabs shed skin at all jst an idea nd u r throwing away skin i dunno tht was definalty a stab in the dark

yeh i did just read that actually but the things i pulled out were heavish had all the pincers and legs as well.
Ive got 15 baby mollies and the crabs are tryin to snatch them lol they are evil mutants! how long do the eggs take to grow and could they survive in there? :unsure:
I agree with 00mitomk about flushing down their shell after they have molted. It looks alot like the real thing and is in one piece. Yo should keep that old shell in the tank for a day to see if the crab will eat it to replace protien and the crab will hide after moulting until it's new shell is hard.
I see a crab between the fish and the red plant.

What you flushed was a molt. Crabs don't reproduce in the aquarium.
Ok, so ive got a tropical setup and bought 2 red crabs over 2 months ago. Just over a month ago one died, and i flushed it.....1 crab left. A friend then pointed out to me that i still had 2 which i was a bit freaked out by. I flushed another dead crab last week and again though i was back down to one but just looking at my tank and bang they we go back to 2 again. How do crabs reproduce? cheears
humm it could just be that one of your crabs "molted" its happeng to me lol. i know someone who actualy threw the live crab away, thinking the "molt" was the live one. lol

i think that these crabs need "brackish" water to breed. also think that there would be a lot more little crabs around. they dont just produce one baby at a time.
having said that this is a strange world so i could be wrong.
They NEED brackish water to live a full life, not just to reproduce.

Very true. They need MARINE water to breed. I hate it when shops sell these as freshwater, just because they are in a freshwater tank in the store. Its perfectly fine for them to temporarily be in freshwater, where they can be found quite often, but they are brackish water animals and i believe its wrong to keep them in freshwater.

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