Multiple Tank Syndrome


Jul 29, 2023
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Just wondered if anyone knew the latest research on whether it is now contagious within the home? Previously, in terms of my son or previous partners, they have not been afflicted. Has a vaccine been developed yet? I was told that COVID put a pause on developing a vaccine for MTS.

My knowledge is that it is mostly transmitted via fish forums and LFS, although cases are increasing via YouTube.

I was told to be weary of Private Messages on fish forums, especially from "moderators" as some "super spreaders" are using this transmission route specifically now, and cases are rising.

The Government were hoping the cost of living crisis, especially in the UK, would halt MTS, but apparently the super spreaders have found a way around this?

Am I right in thinking that in over 20 years of treatments, research, and trials we have got no further along in terms of a cure? The only thing that helps manage the symptoms of longing for more tanks, is getting more tanks?

I have found a cure, or at least something to keep the active addiction under control. It's called a husband who refuses to get rid of furniture to make space for more tanks. The urges for more tanks can be kept under control to some extent by looking at photos of tanks on fish forums.
MTS has been misdiagnosed as a problem. Recent research shows that if it lasts more than 3 years, it is actually motivated by curiosity rather than hoarding. The turning point is the realization that fish are gonna do what fish are gonna do, and that MTS is a slowly dawning understanding you can't control nature, so why bother trying to control yourself?

It's a spectrum, along with garden syndrome,,multiple goat syndrome, and the now sinking stamp collecting syndrome.

So cover every clear space in your home. Convert your stairs to racks.
When I was young, & a Bachler, I had around 40 tanks at one time... as I got more mature & busy, I decided fewer, bigger, tanks required less work... ( probably the same gallons, just less tanks )

living by myself... I decided, what did I need all those closets for... I think I converted 3 of them to stacks of 10 gallon tanks floor to ceiling... I always removed the doors at the hinge, so I could see them all the time... but I suppose if you had a spouse that doesn't love aquariums as much, & would give up a closet ( WHAT ) or if you were ashamed of your addiction, you could keep the doors on, & that way you could hide your addiction behind closed doors
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My housemates are recruiting my help for a possible 55 gallon in the living room. I have plans for another 40 gallon for myself. I think that with my current tanks is probably going to be my limit for doing weekly water changes.
I think when Multiple Tank Syndrome infects the prefrontal cortex, that's when we start looking for places to put tanks that our partners will not find easily. Not used wardrobes, under the desk covered in a sheet, somewhere in the garden not clearly visible, the basement, the attic, even potentially a trusted neighbours house.

The prefrontal cortex is called the "executive centre" of the brain. M.T.S then manifests itself in new ways. The human is completely powerless at this point. Relationships are really in danger. This is when family victims of MTS sufferers will often draft in highly trained mediators to try and resolve conflict between the fish addict and the rest of the household.
I'm in the depths of MTS at the moment - I've got 4 tanks in my office, two are set up and I have a tiny tank and a 40 litre waiting to be set up. Also have a 300 litre in the house painfully close to set up (at last) and a new 300 litre project on the way.

I've just found multiple avenues I want to explore and having tanks helps me spend less time just reading about them so all good...

I'm in the depths of MTS at the moment - I've got 4 tanks in my office, two are set up and I have a tiny tank and a 40 litre waiting to be set up. Also have a 300 litre in the house painfully close to set up (at last) and a new 300 litre project on the way.

I've just found multiple avenues I want to explore and having tanks helps me spend less time just reading about them so all good...

Exactly, you are only following the current medical evidence which suggests that MTS can only be successfully treated by acquiring more tanks. We follow the science as they kept saying during COVID.
There may be some personality traits that create a likelihood for MTS or other hobby/obsessions. I remember as a youngster I would go through what my mother called phases, there was a coin collection, a rock collection, gardening, Gerbils, and of course tropical fish. There may have been others that I just don't recall. Into adulthood, my passions for tropical fish and gardening remained. As I venture into the twilight, my focus has been on fish and gardening, and recently my focus is shifting away from fish and towards yard and garden.
So MTS is merely a passion bordering on obsession. A cure? But why? As we travel down the road of life we find ourselves with obligations like family and employment and such. And along the way we uncover diversions and hobbies. As long as the diversions don't negatively impact the requirements no harm, no foul. But if your children go hungry so you can buy another aquarium, get help!!! LOL
To me it's of no issue... For I don't want to be cured... Once an addict, always an addict...
When someone is standing in front of the door to have an intervention, I'll barricade the door...
If I'll be send to rehab, I'll try to convince them to take a fishtank for that will relax them...
To me it's of no issue... For I don't want to be cured... Once an addict, always an addict...
When someone is standing in front of the door to have an intervention, I'll barricade the door...
If I'll be send to rehab, I'll try to convince them to take a fishtank for that will relax them...
Sounds like a plan. We won't go down without a fight.

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