Multiple Species Of Cory


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
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I currently have 5 Albino Corrys. Just wondering If I buy some different types of Cory will they hang around with the Albino's?
if you buy bronze they definately will a they are just morphs of the same species
i have four different species and they always shoal together. hope this helps.
my nan has 2 albino and 2 peppered in her 10gal and they swim around together
I have 3 albinos, 2 panda, 2 delphax, 2 julli, 5 sterbai. The albinos hang around on their own, they dont pay much attention to the others as do the pandas who seem happy on their own. The others sterbai, julli, delphax do stay together.
Hi tez2k007 :)

Since they are social fish, corys love to be in large groups. When there are more than one species in the tank, they'll spend at least some of their time together and part of their time with their own. Corys never make it a habit to ignore each other in a tank. :D
Cool I may get a couple of others then if thats the case. They are quite fun to watch and the rest of my fish dont seem to mind them at all.

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