Multiple Questions


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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hello, and firstly a brief intro the "new" tank iv got is an 30 by 12 by 12 and although its dimensions are unfavourable it was free, the phrase gift horse and mouth come to mind. The thing is this tank was aboriginally a fish tank not a planted tank so it has just a single 20watt t8 which gives a shade over 1wpg but I plan on going pretty high tech with the tank so how much light would I need realistically?
I plan to use glosso or hc and dwarf hairgrass as a foreground. as for tall plants I don't really know what I'll be using, bolbotis is a maybe as is needle leaf fern. For the stones in the foreground I plan on using moss, which I don't know yet maybe christmas or willow. The rocks will be key to this tank and I'm lost for choice where, which and how much rock will I need for a Iwagumi/nature tank and what type of rock should I go for, I'm looking for a contrast in colour so, a rock of a grey colour.

Both tanks I have currently need filters the 11/10 and the 18 and I really don't know which to go for both will need to be powerful, over filtering the tanks and more importantly cheap. The 18's internal filter being horrible and huge and the 11/10s (the eden) horribly underpowered now that the tank has a much higher plant mass. This leaves the eden free for the 11inch cube I have waiting in the sidelines.

Also my local pets at home has a few pots of this does anyone have an experience with it I was planning on using it instead of my "e tennelus" in the 10/11?
Very strange shaped tank! I would aim for between 20 and 30w, an Arcadia 30" freshwater is 25w and should be OK, with a reflector of course ;)

Should be an interesting project, keep is posted :)

Yeah I know! And for seemingly no reason!
I was going to go for 2 x 20w t6 since 30" tubes won't fit this gives a rather large 40watts over 18gallons which I make 2.2wpg which should be pretty manageable right?

I have yet to decide but On where to get rocks from, I'm thinking AE but might give aquaristic a try since they seem reasonable.

Also I'm looking into using paintball based co2 on this tank, so I'll be researching these any help will be gratefully received.

Filters wise I've read that Ehiems are good so im going to try and get a pair of 2213's or 2211's for the 2 tanks, I haven't a clue how much they sell for so help finding them cheaply would also be gratefully received.

I wish I could just finalise a hardscape plan, I did have quiet a few ideas but Im starting to realise they're all a bit "samey"
2.2WPG should be ideal :)

If you order a decent amount of stuff, rocks from aquaristic should work out a fair bit cheaper. You might be able to get cheap filters from them as well, I know they do the 2213 (have just checked they do the 2211 as well, bargain price as well). The only trouble with the classic range is the need to get separate tube taps, which aren't essential but they do make cleaning the filter much easier as you can leave the inlet and outlet pipes in place but still detach the filter base.

Never done or seen paintball CO2, would think its would be possible, the thing to check would be if the aquarium regs can fit the bottles. I would also think fire extinguisher based CO2 would work out cheaper. Paintball cylinders are only 20oz.

tube taps?
I already have 2 20oz paintball tanks that's the main reason for attempting co2 this way.
I worked it out at just under £70 for 2 eheims so if I get all my stuff inc. rocks it should be about £100 which isn't bad at all.
I do think the ehiems need filter media though, pretty sure they come without...

Plant's I'm unsure on still but lights Im going to go for 2x t6 20w daylights which should work well.

Now the main question is scaping, I guess I should buy one of the Amano books really for inspiration. that or see what Philipe Oliveira is doing lately.
here's the proposed scape.

can i get some help picking plants?
the foreground will be dwarf hair grass the moss on the "rotten tree" will be either willow christmas or flame the plants around the bases of the wood i dont know what they will be something like needle leaf fern but a nicer plant, i was planning to have a wall of stems behind this but i really dont know what plant to go for, something dence and of a complimenting colour to the sea of greens.

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