Multiple Breeding Tank. (pics Now Added)


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Apr 10, 2012
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I recently converted one of my tanks in to a male betta tank, i sectioned it off 5 ways, i thought i would try a idea i had of multiple spawning, so i added some poly to each section for them to make bubble nests, each section is a very good size and his also big enough to have a chimney in 3 of the sections. (section 4 and 5 not spawning sections but can alternate fish wehn spawning)

The tank has sand in, but when i spawn them, im using these squared plastic lids to put on floor so the eggs can easily been seen by the bettas

What i did was i spawned a pair in the tank, but because its sectioned off with dividers, i knew once the fry was free swimming they could easily get through the holes and swim in to any section and be eaten..

So i made a little contraption lol what scoops out the fry, i waited until they hatched and once they was all bobbing up and down, i used my home made scooper to carefully go under the nest and scoop all the fry up, i then transfered them to a breeding net (very fine and cant get out) where they seem to be doing great..

I thought this would be a good idea cos now i can have more spawns going at once and not need loads of spawning tanks.

Now the strange thing was, my little scooper i made was slighty to big when i came to scoop them and i had to slightly move one of the dividers across, whilst doing this some of the fry that was resting on the floor managed to get in to the next section as the movement in the water forced them over (i needed to lift the divider upwards a bit you see cos it was bedded in to the sand...

Now what happened was the male in that section shot to the bottom and scooped them in his mouth and i thought damn, but then i was amazed when he went to the top of the water where is poly is and spit them out, he soon made his nest bigger and now is looking after them, some what i didnt manage to scoop in the original section are still been looked after by thier father and i will get them out soon as they have settled a bit since i disturbed them on the first scoop.

Is it strange for another male to father another males fry? he is doing a good job looking after them as well.

I was amazed :eek:

Now i have done it once, the next time will be easier cos the couple of little mistakes i made ie the scooper being to big and moving the divider, will not happen again lol.

Any thoughts on it? or ideas to improve it?

Section 5 at the back

Spawn tank

garage Growout tank 2 (3ft x 15" x 15"
I don't know if that's normal or not. The only thing I would really worry about in doing this is the possibility of an outbreak. If you have one section that ends up with something, they'll all get it and then you could have 5 sections of dead fry instead of 1. :\
I don't know if that's normal or not. The only thing I would really worry about in doing this is the possibility of an outbreak. If you have one section that ends up with something, they'll all get it and then you could have 5 sections of dead fry instead of 1. :\

Yes i can see what you mean, but treating would not be a problem.

I would not spawn any though until i knew it was clear if there was ever a disease that broke out.

depending on what your pairs are, you might not be able to tell which fry came from which parents.

each lots of fry that are moved will be moved in to thier own breeding nets for the frist 4 weeks before moving them to growout tank.

Once the fry are bigger, i would be able to tell thier type anyways so its not really a problem i guess
:rolleyes: *sings* 5teady has a million tanks and no room at home for himself ;) hehehehe

Wish I was in the same situation!
No seriously. If I ran aquarium silicone around the door frame and the windows, and then threw in an air mattress and ran a hosepipe through the roof - I could live there!
:rolleyes: *sings* 5teady has a million tanks and no room at home for himself ;) hehehehe

Wish I was in the same situation!
No seriously. If I ran aquarium silicone around the door frame and the windows, and then threw in an air mattress and ran a hosepipe through the roof - I could live there!
lol I probably would too......think it'd break through the two floors below though ;)
:rolleyes: *sings* 5teady has a million tanks and no room at home for himself ;) hehehehe

Wish I was in the same situation!
No seriously. If I ran aquarium silicone around the door frame and the windows, and then threw in an air mattress and ran a hosepipe through the roof - I could live there!
lol I probably would too......think it'd break through the two floors below though ;)

Got me thinking now rofl
in regards to a male raising anothers fry, some animals are just really good parents and some are not and you seem to have a real good daddy.

my Qh gelding is nicknamed a babysitter because he will raise and look after young horses like they were his own. It makes it nice then when it comes time to wean the babies and the mommys, he keeps the babies company so they dont panic and freak out like seperating them and leaving them alone would.

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